Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Mammoth of an Undertaking

Move over Dolly the sheep, scientists have discovered their next mammoth of an undertaking.  A Woolly Mammoth that is.  

According to reports , "Scientists have discovered well-preserved frozen woolly mammoth fragments deep in Siberia that may contain living cells, edging a tad closer to the "Jurassic Park" possibility of cloning a prehistoric animal, the mission's organizer said Tuesday." Expedition chief Semyon Grigoryev stated, "Only after thorough laboratory research will it be known whether these are living cells or not," he said, adding that would take until the end of the year at the earliest."  

Woolly mammoth's have not been around for over 10,000 years.  If accomplished a cloned mammoth will definitely be something to see during future field trips to the zoo.  For more on the expedition and Grigoryev's  team please go to the following link:

Friday, September 07, 2012

Employee of the Century

Rose Syracuse began working for Macy's Department Store 73 years ago.  To date is the longest employed individual with Macy's at the age of 92 and clearly that qualifies her for the title of "Employee of the Century."    

According to reports, "That means that her first year of work was in 1939, while "Gone with the Wind" was still making its first run in movie theaters, as was pointed out by the New York Daily News.  Through her whole career, Syracuse has worked out of Macy's flagship store in Manhattan.  Her tenure makes her the longest serving employee in the history of Macy's, which opened in 1858."

Syracuse has had the privilege of working recently in the store's archival section, working on projects that deal with the Thanksgiving Day Parade.   It was during the 1930s that her family moved from Pennsylvania to Brooklyn so that her brothers would not have to find work in a coal mine.  Macy's in the '30s was a "one-stop store", the Wal-Mart of its era.  To read more about Rose and Macy's please go to the following link:

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Peterson Found Guilty of 3rd Wife's Death

Drew Peterson, a former Illinois cop, and husband to Stacy Peterson who went missing in 2007 was found guilty by a jury of his peers today of murder.

Drew Peterson
According to reports, "Peterson, 58, sat stoically looking straight ahead and did not react as the judge announced jurors had found him guilty of first-degree murder in the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio.  Her relatives gasped, then fell into each other's arms and cried.  Illinois has no death penalty, and Peterson now faces a maximum of 60-years in prison when sentenced on Nov. 26.  Both relief and excitement showed on the faces of Savio's family members as they stepped out of the crowded courtroom.  Her sister, Susan Doman, threw herself into the arms of her husband.  "Finally, finally, finally," Mitch Doman, Savio's brother-in-law, said as he and his wife cried."

Stacy Peterson
The Peterson case is one of a kind for the state of Illinois.  The case itself was built entirely on hearsay thanks to a new law, ironically known as "Drew's Law".  Prosecutors believed that hearsay would allow for jurors to hear Peterson's wives voices through the testimonies given by their family and friends. Although there was staunch opposition to the use of hearsay in the case, Peterson was convicted of murder.

Stacy Peterson herself later went missing on Nov. 9, 2007.  Illinois State Police declared Drew Peterson a suspect in Stacy's disappearance the same day.  Her family remains hopeful that they will find their daughter, sister and friend.  Authorities also hope that Stacy Peterson will be located but confess that the longer a person is missing the more unlikely it is that they have simply ran away. For this and other news please go to the following websites below.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

No Laughing Matter

Christopher Sides, age 21
After the tragic shooting in Auroa, Colorado back in July, it's no wonder 21 year old Christopher Sides' Joker costume was seen as no laughing matter.

The local news station in Brevard County, Florida reported that Sides, "was reportedly seen pacing outside the Premiere Oaks Theater while he smoked a cigarette.  He was unarmed and reportedly told police he only went into the theater to use the restroom."

It was also reported that Sides was not arrested because of his costume, but because of an outstanding warrant.  To read more about this story please go to the following link:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Joy Ride

Two Indiana teens decided to strike out on their own.  To find "new lives" with the help of a borrowed Mercedes.  But this was no joy ride.  Both of their disappearances sparked a frantic search by family members after parents located a new that stated they were both "sorry" and had taken the vehicle to undisclosed location.

According to reports, "The parents of Jordan Webb, 16, and Levi "David" Briggs, 15, confirmed to ABC News affiliate WRTV that the boys were found in Loma, Colorado, today, where they were staying at the home of a friend they had met at camp.  The boys traveled more than 1,000 miles after leaving their homes in Avon, Indiana, on Saturday morning.  "This is amazing news and we are so thankful for everyone that has helped!" read a post no Facebook page set up by the boys' families.  "We could not have done this without the help of family/friends and social media! This is the biggest relief of our lives."

Police Chief of Avon, Jack Miller, told the press "One of the unique things about this is that these kids come from good homes with loving parents, they mention in their notes that they love their parents, they were good in school, popular, there were no red flags.  The boys each left a note and the notes basically said the same thing, that they were going to take this opportunity to strike out on their own."

Striking out on their own certainly has gotten Jordan and Levi quite a bit of attention both locally and nationally.  The case of the two missing "joy riding" teens out to make new lives for themselves has also brought attention to the purpose of social media and the role it might play in finding other missing or run away  children in the future.  For this and other news please go to the following link:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy116th Birthday!

Bessie Cooper has seen a lot in her life.  Born in 1896 she has witnessed the turn of not one, but two centuries.  At 116 years old she is officially the oldest person in the world.

Mrs. Bessie Cooper, 116 Years Old
Good Morning America covered Mrs. Cooper's celebration and according to their report, "In honor of Cooper's achievement, a bridge was named after her in Monroe, Ga., where she lives by the Walton County Board of Commissioners, according to the Walton Tribune.  A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Friday, August 24 for the bridge opening.  "The older she has gotten the more wittier she has gotten," her son, Sidney Cooper, told the Walton Tribune.  He also related a message from Cooper, who was unable to attend the ceremony, who said, "I'm glad I gave them a reason to name it."

Cooper was named the oldest person in the world by Guinness World Book of Records back in January 2011 but briefly lost the title when a woman in Brazil was discovered to be 48 days older.  Since then she has reclaimed her title and instead of 116 individual candles on her birthday cake, the number signifies her intention of having a very happy birthday.  For more on this story please go to:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

"One Giant Leap..."

Neil Armstrong 1930-2012
Most of my generation remembers learning about Neil Armstrong while sitting in a science classroom.  But for the majority of Americans they still remember the day we, the United States, put a man on the moon.  It's our parents generation that recalls watching Kennedy declare that our nation would have a man on the moon by the end of the decade (i.e. 1960s).

It's moments like these, historical moments, that not only change lives but define a generation.  So it is with a heartfelt sincerity that our nation says good bye to one of our most prominent figures.  Neil Armstrong passed away at the age of 82.

According to reports Armstrong was, "A man who kept away from cameras, Armstrong went public in 2010 with his concerns about President Barack Obama's space policy that shifted attention away from a return to the moon and emphasized private companies developing spaceships.  He testified before Congress and in an email to The Associated Press, Armstrong said he had "substantial reservations," and along with more than two dozen Apollo-era veterans, he signed a letter calling the plan a "misguided proposal that forces NASA out of the human space operations for the foreseeable future."

Besides his love of the Apollo program and NASA, Armstrong will be best known for the one phrase that reached out and touched millions of Americans in July of 1969.  "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."  My condolences to Mr. Armstrong's family and friends.  May you know that he is watching you, even now, from his place among the stars.  For more about Neil Armstrong please go to the following website: