Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Down the Hatch

The famous sports magazine Sports Illustrated held a party for their latest issue which featured Beyonce Knowles on the cover. The party took place on February 14 but the stars and other guests who attended got a big surprise when they learned that they could have been exposed to hepatitis A. According to, "An employee of Wolfgang Puck Catering diagnosed with the hepatitis A virus may have exposed guests at several events. The risk of illness was "quite low", but anyone who ate raw food at the magazine's party was urged to receive a preventive shot by Wednesday." This is all according to the Public Health Department in LA. For this and other news stories please go to or

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Potential Target

While visiting a U.S. military base in Afghanistan on Tuesday Vice President Dick Cheney was a proclaimed target of the Taliban's latest suicide bomb attack. The bomb killed at least fourteen people and hurt several more. According to, "Associated Press reporters at the scene said they had seen the bodies of at least 12 people carried in black body bags and wooden coffins from near the base into a market area where hundreds of Afghans had gathered to mourn." (Picture provided by & AP).

Monday, February 26, 2007

And the Oscar Goes To......

Last night Oscar celebrated his 79th appearance in Los Angeles at the Kodak Theatre. Believe it or not the Oscar for best motion picture went to "The Departed" instead of the predicted "Little Miss Sunshine" who instead took away a Supporting Actor award and Original Screenplay. The dark tale of "Pans Labyrinth" took away Art Direction and Cinematography. "Dream Girls" took away Sound Mixing and Jennifer Hudson took home the Supporting Actress Award for her part in the film. And it wouldn't be a night to remember without Johnny Depp's movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" taking home Visual Effects. For this and other Oscar winners go to or

Friday, February 23, 2007

Raising the Flag

Client Eastwood has made a movie about it, the photograph is unforgettable, every day people visit this historical national monument from all over the world in our nation's capital, and that famous 9-11 photograph mirrors it. In 1945 at the end of a bloody battle United States forces took Iwo Jima and several soldiers helped to raise the flag. According to, "Marine photographer Louis Lowery was with them and recorded the event." This event was captured on film as well and can be seen to this day. Here's to the Flags of our Fathers, thank you for all you sacrificed for this nation, it will never be forgotten. For this and other topics on today in history please go to or

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Miracle on Ice

In 1980 the United States Olympic hockey team beat the Soviet Union in an upsetting victory. For this and other news stories please go to

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

On the Edge

We might be inclined to say "Ooops she did it again" but this is a first for pop idol Britney Spears. This past week she's been on a down hill trend starting off with a weekend of crazy antics like getting tattoos and then shaving her head. Her publicist Larry Rodolph responded to Britney's voluntary check-in to a rehabilitation facility by stating to People Magazine, according to, "We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time." For this and other news stories please go to or

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Man's Best Friend

Mt. Hood rescuers say that the dog saved the climbers lives. According to news reports, ""The dog probably saved their lives" by lying across them during the cold night, said Erik Brom, a member of the Portland Mountain Rescue team. He described the wind in the canyon as "hellacious." One of the female climbers were taken to a Portland hospital for treatment due to a head injury and the other two members were taken back to a lodge to be reunited with other members of the team. The climbers were found on Monday morning in White River Canon. For this and other news stories please go to or Picture at right: climber coming off of Mount Hood.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mt. Hood Rescue

As everyone remembers the month of December was a deadly one for three climbers who found themselves trapped on top of Mount Hood in Oregon. Hood is Oregon's highest mountain peek and over the years has seen 35 people parish on its slopes. According to "Three climbers who fell from a ledge on snowy Mount Hood got into their sleeping bags and huddled with a dog for warmth early Monday to await rescue as bad weather raged around them, officials said." The rescuers had quite a time on their hands as snow blew around them at seventy miles an hour. However, it is reported that the rescuers have not yet seen the three climbers but have been in constant cell phone contact with them. For this and other breaking news stories please go to or

Friday, February 16, 2007

Towed Away

According to "National Guardsmen towed stranded vehicles from highways and officials toiled to clear roads early Friday following a monster storm that has been blamed for at least 15 deaths." This report comes out of Hamburg, Pennsylvania and is due to the huge amounts of snow that parts of the New England have been receiving. A stunning 42 inches it was calculated, worth of snow fell in the Adirondacks and more than 137,000 people lost power due to the storm. For this an other stories please go to or

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Curse of the Golden King

Tomorrow will mark the 84th Anniversary of the opening of King Tut's tomb. The Egyptian king was 9 years old when he took over the most advanced civilization of the time and was 19 when he passed on. There are many theories surrounding Tut's death, most of them conspiracy and murder. Recent exploration and examination of Tut's life though suggest that he died of infection possibly from a broken leg. Whatever the case the curse of the golden king stuck with those who first opened the tomb in 1923 leaving both explorers dead by the end of the excavation Lord Carnarven and Howard Carter. If you wish to know more about King Tut and the treasure he left behind please go to and tune in to "Digging for the Truth" Monday nights at 9pm.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oh The Weather Outside is Frightful....

As Congress worries about Global Warming, New York and other northern states are receiving 8-30 inches of snow. The monster storm left the Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer last Thursday declaring a state disaster. But not all is lost. One man decided to make something delightful out of the white stuff out in Michigan (picture on left). According to "Kurt Dziesinski brushes freshly fallen snow from his snow sculpture of the cartoon characters Scooby-Doo and Shaggy in Alpena, Mich." For this and other stories please go to or

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Fuel Exchange

A break through came in the six-party talks with North Korea about its nuke program today. According to Fox News "Yongbyon nuclear facility will be shut down in exchange for The terms of the deal, brokered by China, provide North Korea with initial aid equal to 50,000 tons heavy fuel oil within 60 days for shutting down and sealing its main nuclear reactor and related facilities at Yongbyon, north of the capital, and that it be confirmed by international inspectors." North Korea will also receive an extra 900,000 some tons of additional aid for just shutting down the reactor. This event marks the first achievement for disarmament in the six party talks. As a result the United States will remove North Korea from its terrorist funded state list and lift sanctions. For this and other news stories please go to or

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sounds of Music

Last night country singers, rock stars, pop icons, and classic R&B vocalists attended the 49th Grammy Awards. Record of the year went to the Dixie Chicks who have made their comeback since their comments about President Bush with "Not Ready to Make Nice." The Chicks also took home Best Song of the Year for the same record. Carrie Underwood, the American Idol Country girl made off with Best New Artists while John Mayer took away Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for his song, "Waiting on the World to Change." And give it up for Ludacris featuring Pharrell because "Money Maker" took away Best Rap Song. Congratulations to all the winners of last nights Grammy Awards. Including the great Stevie Wonder and Tony Bennett. May the sound of music always be in your hearts. For this and more on last nights Grammy Awards please go to

Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith

She was the Marilyn Monroe of our time. The blond bombshell stepped into the spot light when she married oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall in 1994. Since then the American public has been transfixed by her beauty, the court case that ensued when her husband died, and her tragedies. Anna Nicole Smith was 39 years old when she collapsed yesterday at a Florida Hotel. She was then rushed to the hospital where her attorney announced that she had passed away. Fox News reported that, "Smith's attorney, Ron Rale, said the one-time reality TV star had been ill for several days with a fever and was still depressed over the death five months earlier of her 20-year-old son from what a private medical examiner determined was a combination of methadone and two antidepressants." The most recent battle that has caught our attention is that of the father of Anna Nicole's new born daughter Dannielynn. Her current husband and attorney Howard K. Stern claims he is the father while her ex-boyfriend Larry Brikhead is waging a legal suit claiming he is the baby's legitimate father. We are still waiting on that court decision. For this and other news developments please go to or

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Undercover...Exposed...and Arrested

According to "Iraqi forces on Thursday detained a senior health minister." Allegedly the man was helping Shiite Militiamen to infiltrate the government. also reported that the official that was obtained was responsible for several deaths of other officials and had aided in schemes that costs millions of dollars all, according to the report, "allegedly funneled to the Mahdi Army militia that is loyal to al-Sadr." This story was followed by a series of helicopter crashes this week in Baghdad. For this and other news stories please go to or

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The Beatles arrived in New York City this day in history on February 7, 1964. They were greeted by 3,000 screaming fans and their imprint on America was a huge one and it has lasted for years. Even now you can still hear the words of "A Hards Day Night". Beatlemania, strong then, still going now. For this and other historical events please go to,, or

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Master of the Code

This day in history Leonardo da Vinci's notebook went on sale in 1980. The master of Dan Browns code, world famous painter, inventor, and artisan's hand writing went for a cool $5 MILLION. The notebook included 300 notes and 72 loose pages. It's incredible to think that this man, living in the 1500s, managed to create so much and still affect our lives today in the 21st Century. For the rest of you Da Vinci fans out there you can find more information on this and other historical events at or

Monday, February 05, 2007

Colts trample Bears

The Indiana Colts beat the Chicago Bears last night at Super Bowl XLI taking a 29-17 lead in the third quarter. For the first time in years one of the announcers stated the first quarter started off with a touch down and that victory went to the Bears. It was no surprise that the Colts took home the trophy. According to Fox News Manning, the star of the Colts team said, "It's hard to put into words," said Manning, who hit 25 of 38 passes for 247 yards with one touchdown and one interception. "I'm proud to be part of this team. We stuck together, won this game for our leader, Tony Dungy." The commercials were also the talk of last night, the best one in my book was the one with K-Fed. Prince entertained the audience at the half-time show and even got the marching band involved. So I'm just looking forward to next year as I'm sure is every other football fan out there. Congratulations Colts you earned it. For this and other news please go to,,

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Day the Music Died

Tomorrow will mark the forty-ninth anniversary of deaths of Buddy Holly, Richie Valines, and the Big Bopper. They are probably most remembered by the song by Don McLean "American Pie." Combined the three rising stars songs can still be heard playing on the radio today such as "La Bamba", "Chantilly Lace", and "Peggy Sue." For this and other historical moments please go to

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Power of Words

Believe it or not on this day in 1884 the Oxford English Dictionary was published for all to read. From here the power of words as we know them have never been the same. We are constantly using the dictionary and whether we know it or not the current updated version known as "spell check" is also a dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) holds a staggering count of 60,000 words. So let us tip our hats to one of the greatest books ever created. For this and other historical facts please go to