Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tea Anyone?

On this day in 1773 American colonists had obviously had enough of the British and their laissez fair governing. Angry at the numerous taxes that have been mounted upon them colonists decide to show the English where they stood. In Boston Harbor three ships carrying crates of tea, which 342 of them ended up over board by the end of the night. The Sons of Liberty were eager to stop Britain's taxation of them without the proper representation. Unfortunately for England it lost the equivalent of $16,000 in tea in one night. Whoever said freedom was not free now has proof. For this and other historical moments please go to

Monday, December 10, 2007

Vick Sentenced

Michael Vick was sentenced earlier today. The suspended Atlanta Falcons Quarter Back was placed under arrest for heading up an illegal "inhumane" dog fighting ring and then lying about it. The U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson in the case could have sent the football player packing for up to 5 years. However, Vick got off with a 23 month sentence. The judge ordered that Vick apologize to all the young people who looked up to him. Vick responded by saying that he was welling to accept the consequences of his actions. It is possible that Vick could be out by the summer of 2009 on good behavior.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!!!

Well, well, well. It appears that the Steelers could not live up to their legacy on the Patriots home field tonight. Reports on Yahoo News and other sports wires this week said the Steelers desperately wanted to be the one team, the first team, to stop the Patriots climb to the top (aka the Super Bowl). However, nothing for the moment has or will stopped them from enjoying the perfect season. By the first quarter everyone knew the game was already over. Patriots stayed strong with a 7 to 3 lead over their rivals and within the 3rd and 4th quarters the Steelers showed no momentum. Patriot fans however, rejoiced at their teams 34-13 win. Congrats guys and keep it up. For this and other sports news please go to

Sunday, December 02, 2007

American Dare Devil

Robert Craig a.k.a. "Evel" Knievel passed away on Friday at the age of 69. Knievel was probably best known for his attempt at jumping the Snake River Cannon in 1974. According to a documentary he did with the History Channel Knievel said that he had waited seven years to jump that cannon and one mistake caused him to lose it all. Despite the fact that he was a highly paid dare devil the injuries Knievel gathered during his jumps were many including numerous broken bones and at one time in his career a coma that lasted for 29 days and without a doubt someone who will be remembered for generations. For this and other news please go to, or