Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ted Kennedy Diagnosed with Brain Cancer

Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer after reportedly ailing from seizures over the weekend. Kennedy, Senator of Massachusetts, serves in the nation's Senate with his son Patrick Kennedy. At 76 years old Senator Kennedy has been undergoing test for the suspected cause of the seizures he suffered since Saturday. Members of the Hill are wishing Senator Kennedy and his family well uplifting them in thought and prayer. According to news reports "The usual course of treatment includes combinations of radiation and chemotherapy, but Kennedy's treatment will be decided after more tests." For this and more news on Senator Kennedy's health and other events please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com or www.msnbc.com.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Edwards Backs Obama

Remember Senator John Edwards of North Carolina? Well he has partaken in at least two Presidential elections in the past few years once as a VP candidate to John Kerry and this previous year as one of the many Democratic candidates. Yesterday Senator Edwards put his money on Barrack Obama instead of Hillary. His endorsement of the candidate might have secured Obama the win for the Democratic Presidential nominee. Howard Dean, one time Presidential candidate himself and head of the Democratic Party, wants to see a clear candidate emerge by June. He may not have to wait that long. With Clinton trailing Obama by a hundred some delegates it is almost certain that her campaign is winding down. Clinton reportedly said to reporters, "I have a great deal of respect for Senator Edwards, he and I have a lot in common … I imagine that Senator Edwards’ endorsement will be of some help to Senator Obama in Kentucky, but I think that what matters are the people who actually vote." And we will have to see where it is that vote lands. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"I do...but I don't."

Jenna Bush will be the twenty second daughter of an American President to wed while her father is in office. At the age of twenty-six Bush's daughter will say "I do" to her fiancee Henry Hager at her father's ranch in Crawford, Texas today. However, she said "I don't" to being wed at the White House. The wedding will be a private, family affair and no cameras are allowed with restrictions made to air space. The entire country wishes Jenna and her new husband well as they start their journey together. No doubt that if they had opted to have the wedding televised the entire world would have been tuned in. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Olympic Issues

This year most Americans and a few other nations are wondering whether or not they should boycott the Beijing Olympics. The Olympics themselves are about the world and its people as a whole, where race or religion should not mix or converge. Only hard work, skill, determination, and competition should rule the games. However, Senator Sam Brownback is about to call on President Bush to boycott the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Beijing. Brownback reportedly believes that the Chinese are pressuring American hotel chains in China to not provided guests with appropriate Internet access during their stay. A source told FoxNews.com "This is very sensitive because we won't be able to provide any details as to where we got this information. But he will bring it up," the source said. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.