Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1 Dead 1 Found

Officials from a Washington state Army barracks are reporting a sixteen-year-old girl being found dead and another was discovered unconscious. Reports from Fort Lewis are saying "There were no outward signs of physical trauma on either girl, Piek told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Monday night. He said Army doctors at Madigan were performing an autopsy on the dead girl, but results might not be available for at least a week." There is still no word on whether drugs or alcohol were involved in the death of the teen nor has a reason been given as to why the teens were in the barracks at 3:30am. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Super Intense

For NFL fans all over the country last night things got a little intense in Tampa as the Steelers went up against the underdog Arizona Cardinals. Super Bowl XLIII was the first Super Bowl that the Cardinals have ever attended in their long NFL history. But it did not take the Steeler's long to claim major points on the board as they led the Cardinals in the first half 3 to 0. The second half of the game was also stolen by the Steeler's who continued to lead 14 to 7. It was the fourth quarter though that had Steeler's fans on the edges of their seats both in the stadium and at home. The Cardinals made a last minute effort to top the Steeler's lead making it 23 to 20. Over the course of the last 4 minutes the Steeler's picked up their game yet again and managed a surprise touch down in the last 2 minutes that bumped the final score 27-23. Steeler's take all. Other surprising moves came during one moment at the second quarter when Harrison blocked a Cardinal's throw to rush all the way across the field and score his team another touch down. It was declared by the announcers as one of the most riveting moments in NFL Super Bowl history. For this and other news please go to http://www.nfl.com/, http://www.foxnews.com/ or http://www.cnn.com/.