Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Day that will Live in Infamy

It's almost hard to believe that sixty five years ago our nation was roped into World War II by the Japanese. Yes I'm referring to Pearl Harbor. And it has been, as former President Roosevelt said, "A day that will live in infamy." Although my generation was not around during that major turning point in our nations history we have a lot to thank the men and women who fought that war for. The memory of Pearl Harbor is forever etched onto the memory of survivors who return once every four years to say good bye to the fallen. This however is their last year. Their stories are important and it is my hope that they have passed them on to their children and grandchildren. According to Fox News the final farewell, "will be one to remember," said Mal Middlesworth, president of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association. "It's going to be something that we'll cherish forever." God Bless you all and may each of you have a Happy Holiday season.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Happy holidays

Due to the Christmas and New Years season I will not be making posts until January 12th, 2007. I hope everyone who visits this sight has a safe and happy holiday. Thank you for your interest and support.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"Prison Break" in real Life

Lane Garrison, one of the stars on the hit television series Prison Break on the FOX network, is said to have possibly been drunk when he crashed his SUV into a seventeen year old driver and killing him. Fox News reported that,"According to our accident investigators, Mr. Garrison did display symptoms of alcohol intoxication," Beverly Hills Police spokesman Lt. Mitch McCann told "In addition, investigators removed alcohol containers from the SUV he was driving that was registered to him." If Garrison's alcohol tests come back positive then there is likely to be charges filed due to the boys death. Looks like this star of the hit television show might have to pull a prison break of his own in real life. For this and other stories please go to or

Monday, December 04, 2006

One Government/John Bolton Resigns

Iraqi Shiite leaders sat down with President Bush today to discuss the moving forward in Iraq towards democracy. According to news reports, "President says Iraqi Shiite leader has pledged support for free government, vows to work with prime minister." Hopefully these are the first steps for the United States to begin withdrawal from the Iraqi theatre. And perhaps in our lifetime we will each get the chance to see one government for the people in Iraq. In other news U.N. Representative for the United States John Bolton resigned today in the mist of the Iraqi talks with the President. It was rumored that Bolton's next confirmation hearing would also have been blocked by politicians on the hill. President Bush stated that "the critics were wrong" about John Bolton. The President then went on to say, "he did a fine job as representative to the United States at the United Nations." For these and other news stories please go to or

Friday, December 01, 2006

Italian Job?

Whatever is going on with the Russian spy story it certainly is enough to make a novel. Police still search for over 33,000 people who were on flights from Russia to the city of London with Alexander Litvinenko who died due to radiation poisoning. Since then another character was added to the mystery today. According to Fox News, "The mystery of the poisoned spy added another chapter Friday when it was revealed that the Italian academic who dined with the ex-KGB agent the day he was poisoned had tested positive for the same radioactive toxin, the British press reported." For this and other stories please go to or