Monday, December 04, 2006

One Government/John Bolton Resigns

Iraqi Shiite leaders sat down with President Bush today to discuss the moving forward in Iraq towards democracy. According to news reports, "President says Iraqi Shiite leader has pledged support for free government, vows to work with prime minister." Hopefully these are the first steps for the United States to begin withdrawal from the Iraqi theatre. And perhaps in our lifetime we will each get the chance to see one government for the people in Iraq. In other news U.N. Representative for the United States John Bolton resigned today in the mist of the Iraqi talks with the President. It was rumored that Bolton's next confirmation hearing would also have been blocked by politicians on the hill. President Bush stated that "the critics were wrong" about John Bolton. The President then went on to say, "he did a fine job as representative to the United States at the United Nations." For these and other news stories please go to or

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