Sunday, May 27, 2007

Summer Time

Summer has returned and as such events do often occur so has my time here blogging away to whoever so happens to pass across my little writing space. I regret to have to tell everyone who reads this blog that I will not be posting any more stories, unless I absolutely have the means to do so, until further notice. I will return after my vacation refreshed and ready to write again as soon as I can. Hope everyone out there has a very wonderful summer and that the weather is always pleasant for all things outdoors. Thank you so much for your patience and taking time out of your busy schedules to glance across the my corner of the world historyinthemaking2006. Have a safe Memorial Day, a celebratory 4th of July, and to all those Dad's out there, Happy Father's Day from HistoryintheMaking. For news and other stories about history please go to,, or Thanks again!

Friday, May 25, 2007

May the Force be With You

On this day in 1977 George Lucas released his Jedi thriller Star Wars to the public. The movie took away seven Oscars, $461 million dollars, and billions of fans world wide. As a result of the shows success Lucas had to create the rest of the series gaining a new generation of Star Wars lovers. On Memorial Day weekend in 1977 the film grossed a grand total of $800 million in global sales. According to the final movie in the epic Wars "Revenge of the Sith became the top grossing film in the United States in 2005 and second throughout the world." For this and other news may the force be with you as you go to,, or

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sole Custody Denied

According to, "The husband of missing Illinois mom Lisa Stebic was denied sole custody of the couple's two children Tuesday." Craig Stebic's lawyer argued that if Lisa, who has seemingly disappeared, ever came back that she might vanish again and next time with the children. Family members of Mr. Stebic insist that the reality is that Lisa would never abandon her children by running away. Lisa Stebic was last seen on April 30th. For more information on this story and others please go to or (Picture provided by

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Spy

Alexander Litvinenko as you might recall was poisoned late last year and died earlier this year of radiation. The former KGB operative traveled to London where the radioactive material spread leaving police to question who, or why, someone would want Litvinenko dead. Now is reporting that another spy is the one behind Litvinenko's death. The name of that spy has been released and according to, "Andrei Lugovoi
had met with Litvinenko at a London hotel hours before the former agent turned Kremlin critic fell ill with polonium-210 poisoning." For this and other breaking news please go to or

Monday, May 21, 2007

Shooter kills Three Wounds Two

There is no motive for the shooting that took place over the weekend in Moscow, Idaho. According to police reports not only were three people killed and two injured the shooter also took his own life. The shooting took place at the town's First Presbyterian Church. Today mourners laid flowers and cards outside the church praying for the friends and families left behind. In the report the words on so many of Moscow's residence are much like those found wherever this happens, "It wasn't suppose to happen here." Our thoughts are with those who have lost friends or family members in this tragedy. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by

Thursday, May 17, 2007

This Day in History

On this day in history Brown vs. Board of Education overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson. The 1954 ruling outlawed the thought of separate as being equal in schools and public businesses. This was a great win to those heading the Civil Rights Movement because it desegregated schools. For this and other information about this day in history please go to

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Liberty University Founder Jerry Falwell Dies at 73

This morning Lynchburg, Virginia is preparing for its graduating class of 2007 to receive their degrees. However, they are also in mourning for the leader of their University and its founder Rev. Jerry Falwell. Falwell is famed for establishing the moral majority in America. The Liberty University campus is the largest Evangelical school with 20,000 students. Falwell was found by a colleague in his office at Liberty yesterday afternoon unconscious and unresponsive. Falwell's son told reporters that his father mentioned that, "He was feeling better than he'd felt in awhile." The Reverend was known to have heart trouble and at this time Dr. Carl Moore, Falwell's physician confirms that may be the reason for Falwell's death. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and students of Dr. Jerry Falwell. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by

Monday, May 14, 2007

We're Sinking

An Alaska cruise ship, the Empress of the North, runs ashore on Juneau carrying approximately 281 passengers. According to, "Over the following hours, passengers were transferred from the Empress of the North to fishing vessels and other cruise ships that were in the area." The area in which the ship is sinking is heavily occupied by fishermen and other marine boaters. They have been kind enough to aid in the rescue of the crew and passengers aboard. For this and other breaking news please go to or

Friday, May 11, 2007

Spill the Beans

According to news reports cyclist Floyd Landis said that the Anti-Drug Agency offered him a deal to out 7 time champ of the Tour de France Lance Armstrong on drug use. reported the story saying, "At a news conference Thursday to preview his upcoming arbitration hearing, Landis said he made the Armstrong allegations public not because he planned to use it as evidence when testimony begins Monday, but to show the lengths USADA will go to in prosecuting athletes." Landis went on to say for himself that, "It was offensive at best. It speaks to the character of the prosecution." For this and other news please go to,, or

Thursday, May 10, 2007

All Aboard!

On this day in 1869 the country got it's first taste of transportation comfort and modernization. All of this was wrapped up in the lives of two eastern statesmen who sought better means of travel for all in the 1830's. Just one year into the Civil War Congress granted the act of creating a transcontinental railroad through the United States. The people who built the train and its tracks suffered from heat, Indian attacks, and other difficulties as the road was being put together. By 1869 nearly 2,000 miles of track had been laid. What lay head for America would be a time of not just modernization but a huge economic boom that would echo up till today with cars. Make no mistake though the train is still popular and still in use some hundred years later. ALL ABOARD! For this and other facts about this day in history please go to,, or

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Boxing Champ Dies: Age 29

Diego Corrales, a former world champion boxer, died in a motorcycle accident. Corrales was driving a 2007 Suzuki and was in Las Vegas when the accident occurred. According to police the motorcycle and the driver of the other vehicle, who has not yet been identified, was unable to prevent the striking twenty nine year old Corrales. Corrales leaves behind a wife who is seven months pregnant. According to yahoo sports, "Diego Corrales lived an X-Games lifestyle," his promoter Gary Shaw said. "He was a true warrior." Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Corrales family. For this and other news please go to,, or

Monday, May 07, 2007

Twister Takes it All

Storms that ripped through parts of the mid-west, through the infamous Tornado ally, later last week ravaged the small town of Greensburg Kansas. Residents say there is nothing left. Over ninety-five percent of the town has been destroyed. The local hospital, businesses, and homes are among the wreckage. According to news reports, "The tornado, part of a weekend of violent storms across the Plains, claimed at least eight lives in the town of 1,500 residents; two died elsewhere in the state." For updates on this and other news stories please go to or (Picture provided by

Friday, May 04, 2007


The FBI is seeking a man who managed to get away with $1.8 million in an armored truck. The hiest took place in southern Florida. According to, "The armed robbers stoled teh cash from an AT Systems truck as it delivered money to E-Z Checks Cash at a strip mall in Hialeah Gardens on Wednesday, police siad. Shots were fired, but no injuries or arrests were reported. " Police suspect an inside job due to the fact that the secuirty outside when the robbery happened fired his weapon at the ground. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fly me to.....Jupiter.....

NASA released photos of Jupiter's moon erupting. According to, "The pictures, taken by the New Horizon spacecraft, show the large, volcanically active moon called "lo" while an eruption is taking place, London's Daily Mail stated." The amazing photograph on the right is from May 1, 2007. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


This day in history in 1933 the Loch Ness Monster was spotted. Accounts of the creature go back almost 2,000 years in Scotland. This sighting made local news in the paper Inverness Courier and later carried a heavy reward for anyone who could provide sufficient evidence that Nessy existed. To this day the story of Nessy captivates and draws many people to Lock Ness and will probably always be one of those great stories that is passed down from generation to generation. For this and other events today in history please go to

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The British Are Coming!

London announced yesterday that in deed the youngest of the prince's, Harry, will be shipped to Iraq. Sir Richard Dannatt spoke to the press yesterday saying, "I would urge that the somewhat frenzied media activity surrounding this particular story should cease in the interests of the overall security of all our people deployed in Iraq." For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by