Sunday, May 27, 2007

Summer Time

Summer has returned and as such events do often occur so has my time here blogging away to whoever so happens to pass across my little writing space. I regret to have to tell everyone who reads this blog that I will not be posting any more stories, unless I absolutely have the means to do so, until further notice. I will return after my vacation refreshed and ready to write again as soon as I can. Hope everyone out there has a very wonderful summer and that the weather is always pleasant for all things outdoors. Thank you so much for your patience and taking time out of your busy schedules to glance across the my corner of the world historyinthemaking2006. Have a safe Memorial Day, a celebratory 4th of July, and to all those Dad's out there, Happy Father's Day from HistoryintheMaking. For news and other stories about history please go to,, or Thanks again!

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