Friday, August 31, 2007

Remembering a Princess

Ten years ago in a Paris tunnel a generation saw the end of a remarkable woman. Princess Diana was more than just a philanthropist she was also a mother, sister, daughter, and devoted friend. Today marks the tenth anniversary of her death. The youngest of her sons Prince Harry spoke about his mother saying "She was our guardian, friend and protector. She never once allowed her unfaltering love us to go unspoken or undemonstrated." Diana never let her love of those in need go unspoken either. She made it her mission in life to seek out the sick, to aid them, comfort them, and give them a voice. For this and other news please go to, or

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Was Beethoven murdered by his own doctor? New reports out today suggest that he was given an overdose and died due to lead poisoning. However, there is no question about it that Beethoven was a very sick man before his death. According to Christian Reiter, a Venetian forensic scientist, Beethoven's lead level spiked with each visit from his doctor. According to the report at "He says his analysis, published last week in the Beethoven Journal, shows that in the final months of the composer's life, lead concentrations in his body spiked every time he was treated by his doctor, Andreas Wawruch, for fluid inside the abdomen. Those lethal doses permeated Beethoven's ailing liver, ultimately killing him, Reiter told The Associated Press." For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Utah Mine Rescue to Use Camera

The rescuers admit that it might be a long shot but it is worth a try to find the trapped miners in Huntington, Utah. The six miners have been missing for 21 days and so far the rescue efforts have seen the loss and injury of other rescue workers. It is planned that a robot manning a camera will go down into the mine at 1500 feet and will take images of the surrounding area. This effort is expected to aid in the finding and rescue of the men below. Here at historyinthemaking our thoughts are with the family and friends of these men and those who are trying to rescue them. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales Resigns

On Friday Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned by phone. Reportedly President Bush understood the reasons for the Attorney General to step down but accepted his resignation hesitantly. Gonzoles' temporary replacement might be Paul Clement who is the Solicitor General. According to reports by Fox News, "Bush has steadfastly held that Gonzales did nothing wrong in the firings or legal decision-making and the probes were merely an attack on the administration for its decisions." For this and other news please go to,, or

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lucky in Love

The White House announced Thursday that Jenna Bush, the Presidents daughter, is now engaged to her long time boyfriend. When reporters asked if they would be getting married in the Rose Garden the spokeswoman for Laura Bush said that they had not yet made any plans for the ceremony. The last time a marriage ceremony took place at the White House was when Nixon's daughter tied the knot. The mystery man in Jenna's life is Henry Hager, 29. The two have been dating for several years and Hager could be seen next to Jenna's side at family functions "such as the November 2005 dinner in honor of Britain's Prince Charles," according to Hager is the son of John and Maggie Hager of Richmond, Va. His father is chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia. His father is also the former Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. For more on Jenna's engagement and other news please go to,,, or

Friday, August 17, 2007

3 Utah Mine Rescuers Killed in Collapse, 6 Injured

It has been 11 days total since the August 6th Utah Mine collapsed. Officials brief the families every day as to their progress trying to reach the trapped miners. However, the rescue efforts were compromised and as a result three of the rescuers were killed by another fatal collapse, and six others were reported injured. According to "The seismic activity underground has just been relentless. The mountain is still alive, the mountain is still moving and we cannot endanger the rescue workers as we drive toward these trapped miners," said Bob Murray, chief of Murray Energy Corp., the co-owner and operator of the Crandall Canyon mine." Reportedly rescue workers heard strange noises coming from the mine giving everyone a glimmer of hope that they will find these men alive. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of this tragedy here at historyinthemaking. For this and other updates on the Utah mine rescue efforts please go to,, or

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Two Sides to Everything

You know that old saying "There's two sides to everything"? Well apparently there were two sides to our 16th President, and no I'm not talking about personality. I'm talking about facial features. Science has confirmed what so many artists and sculptures of Abraham Lincoln already knew, that he had a good side and a bad side. Everyone does when taking a photograph, but President Lincoln's features are a little more defined. The claim states that his left side was much smaller than his right side. According to the report "Lincoln's contemporaries noted his left eye at times drifted upward independently of his right eye, a condition now termed strabismus said, Dr. Ronald Fishman who published this study in the August issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology." And as any history buff, especially one addicted to anything during the Civil War will note, Lincoln's sculpture in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, also points out two sides to the Presidents facial expression. On one side he appears calm and relaxed, a time of peace. On the other his eye is narrowed and his fist tightly clinched, a sign of stress. For this and other news please go to,,, or

Monday, August 13, 2007

Merv Griffin Dies

Merv Griffin died this weekend from Prostate Cancer. Mr. Griffin was one of televisions most beloved icons in the 1960s through 1980s. He launched television game shows like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and even his own talk show "THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW." It was this outlet that allowed him to interview Presidents and celebrities alike. For this and other news please go to or