Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Two Sides to Everything

You know that old saying "There's two sides to everything"? Well apparently there were two sides to our 16th President, and no I'm not talking about personality. I'm talking about facial features. Science has confirmed what so many artists and sculptures of Abraham Lincoln already knew, that he had a good side and a bad side. Everyone does when taking a photograph, but President Lincoln's features are a little more defined. The claim states that his left side was much smaller than his right side. According to the report "Lincoln's contemporaries noted his left eye at times drifted upward independently of his right eye, a condition now termed strabismus said, Dr. Ronald Fishman who published this study in the August issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology." And as any history buff, especially one addicted to anything during the Civil War will note, Lincoln's sculpture in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, also points out two sides to the Presidents facial expression. On one side he appears calm and relaxed, a time of peace. On the other his eye is narrowed and his fist tightly clinched, a sign of stress. For this and other news please go to www.yahoo.com, www.foxnew.com, www.cnn.com, or www.history.com.

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