Saturday, June 21, 2008

Weighing in at....23 pounds?

Joey and Erin Maynard celebrated the arrival of their son, Sean William who weighs a healthy 10 pounds 14 ounces and his sister Abigail Rose weighting 12 pounds and 3 ounces this past week. The Maynard's are from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The medical staff at the Forsyth Medical Center, where the twins were delivered, reported to the press that the children's combined weight was the highest for any mother carrying twins since 1927. In 1927 an Arkansas woman gave birth to twins with a combined weight of 27 pounds and 12 ounces. The Maynard's come in at number two in the nation for their new born twins that averaged a combined weight of 23 pounds and 1 ounce. The Maynard's also have a two year old son. Congratulations! For this and other news please go to or

Monday, June 16, 2008


This weekend Stan Lee and several of the Marvel Comic fans had something to smile about. The 2008 release of the Incredible Hulk. Although the movie grossed an estimated $54.54 million dollars, a respectful sum, lead actor Edward Norton decided not to promote the film. There are disputes over who wrote, or did what, on the movie itself with most of the credit going to X-Men 3 writer Zak Penn. Penn reportedly mapped out the movie and wrote the original draft. But in 2007 Norton rewrote the Penn screenplay to boost the characters of the Hulk, especially his alter ego Bruce Banner. The largest surprise in this movie is a hint that there is something bigger to come, something that will make Marvel fans everywhere keep smiling and it begins with one word, "Stark." Overall this Incredible Hulk was undoubtedly a little better than the last with a much more intensely real Bruce Banner thanks to Norton. For this and other movie news please go to, or

Friday, June 13, 2008

Meet the Press Host Dies

At the age of 58 Tim Russert, NBC's Meet the Press host died. Russert made a living out of his passion, politics. A constant election year figure Russert will truly be missed but forever remembered for the political debates he had taken part in. In response to his recent passing Tom Brokaw announced that he would host Sunday's Meet the Press in remembrance of Russert. For this and other news please go to or

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Burning Down the House

At 2AM this morning Austin, Texas awoke to learn of the fire that swept through their 152 year old Governor's mansion. It is the forth oldest Governor mansion that is still lived in by the Governor in the United States. The home had been undergoing renovations for the past year which had promoted the Governor to move from the residence last fall. According to reports what was thought to be an accidental fire is now possibly an arson. "We have some evidence that indicates that we do have an intentionally set fire," said state Fire Marshal Paul Maldonado. "So we believe that we may be looking at a criminal act here." For this and other news please go to or

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillary Bows Out

Hillary Clinton finished up her historic run for the Presidency today. She announced her wishes for the Democratic party and her supporters to unite behind candidate Barrack Obama. Clinton said in her address that lasted nearly half an hour, "Today as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I endorse him and throw my full support behind him and I ask of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me." For this and other news on the 2008 Presidential Campaign trail please go to, or

Sunday, June 01, 2008

DNC Rules: Hillary Heading Out?

After months of primaries and caucus' trying to catch up to Barrack Obama's 2052 delegates former first lady and New York Senator Hillary Clinton seems to be on her way out. With Montana and South Dakota primaries on Tuesday it appears that she will not have enough delegates behind her to compete for the highest office in the land after all. Obama almost had a 200 delegate lead on the Senator but after the DNC ruled yesterday on the delegates from Michigan and Florida he was scaled back a bit as they were divided. In the end it left Senator Clinton with 1877 delegates and Obama with 2052 overall. But the campaigning is not over yet for the Clinton camp. Clinton is looking forward to Puerto Rico's decision and the fifty five delegates they have to offer. And while Obama has not been to Puerto Rico in over a week Clinton will have visited 48 of the territories 78 municipalities by the end. Will it be enough? For this and other news please go to or