Sunday, June 01, 2008

DNC Rules: Hillary Heading Out?

After months of primaries and caucus' trying to catch up to Barrack Obama's 2052 delegates former first lady and New York Senator Hillary Clinton seems to be on her way out. With Montana and South Dakota primaries on Tuesday it appears that she will not have enough delegates behind her to compete for the highest office in the land after all. Obama almost had a 200 delegate lead on the Senator but after the DNC ruled yesterday on the delegates from Michigan and Florida he was scaled back a bit as they were divided. In the end it left Senator Clinton with 1877 delegates and Obama with 2052 overall. But the campaigning is not over yet for the Clinton camp. Clinton is looking forward to Puerto Rico's decision and the fifty five delegates they have to offer. And while Obama has not been to Puerto Rico in over a week Clinton will have visited 48 of the territories 78 municipalities by the end. Will it be enough? For this and other news please go to or

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