Saturday, November 15, 2008

Return of the Blond Bond

It's no secret that Daniel Craig has brought new life into the British MI-6 double-O secret agent. With the new movie on release this weekend in theaters, the return of the blond Bond is nothing short of exciting. The movie is a never ending thrill ride that keeps viewers guessing what Bond will do next. A surprise lurks around just about every corner. High speed car chases, an on-the-edge-of-your-seat foot chase through Italy and even a plane ride will keep you holding your breath throughout. But there are no spoilers here, only rave reviews. For this and more sneek peaks at the new Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, go to, or

Friday, November 14, 2008

Al Queda's Survival

It seems that Usama Bin Laden, the head of Al Queda, is slowly losing touch with his organization. According to CIA Director Michael Hayden, Bin Laden is spending a lot of time these days on his own security as well as his survival. According to reports "Hayden said bin Laden, believed to be hiding in the lawless tribal border area of Pakistan, "appears to be largely isolated from the day-to-day operations of the organization he leads." For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Passengers have struggled with long lines, waits and luggage mishaps for quite a while. But while the government tries to make flying the friendly skies safe and as efficient as possible they have discovered it is much harder than it looks. Therefore the only solution is to let it go and let the airlines fend for themselves. So if you have experienced lengthy, unconventional delays recently the formation of a new draft of rules might be why. According to reports "Kate Hanni, a task force member and passenger rights advocate, said Tuesday there is nothing in the draft document that requires airlines or airports to provide additional services for passengers who find themselves stranded aboard airplanes and going nowhere." For this and other news please go to or

Florida High School Girl Dies

In an apparent shooting at Fort Lauderdale High School in Florida, a 15-year-old girl has passed away. Officials are calling this an isolated incident. According to reports "the 15-year-old Dillard High School sophomore was taken to a Ft. Lauderdale hospital after the apparent altercation with another girl. She was initially listed in critical condition, but died later Wednesday afternoon, Fort Lauderdale city spokesman Ted Lawson confirmed." Police are still trying to determine if this was an actual shooting, as there was no apparent signs of a gunshot wound on the deceased female student. No shells have been found and an investigation into whether or not shots were actually fired is also being conducted. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Michael Crichton Dies at 66

Michael Crichton, creature of ER and author of Jurassic Park died Tuesday, November 4th. Crichton passed away after a private battle with cancer. According to reports "While the world knew him as a great story teller that challenged our preconceived notions about the world around us — and entertained us all while doing so — his wife Sherri, daughter Taylor, family and friends knew Michael Crichton as a devoted husband, loving father and generous friend who inspired each of us to strive to see the wonders of our world through new eyes," his family said on his site." For this and other news please go to or

Oh Times They Are.....Changin'

Fifty years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. and the start of the national Civil Rights Movement, Barrack Obama has claimed the White House. The nation watched anxiously last night as McCain pulled ahead in the beginning with a total of thirteen electoral votes to Obama's eight. But slowly, as each poll began to close throughout the nation it was evident that Americans wanted change. Barrack Obama will be sworn in on January 20th, 2009 as the first African-American President of our time after winning a total of 349 electoral votes to Senator John McCain's 161. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Race Is On

"The stop watch of history is running....the race is on." This infamous quote by Dwight D. Eisenhower can sum up the anxiety that most Americans, if not the Presidential candidates themselves, are feeling at this moment. It is down to the wire folks and if you have not yet cast your ballot for 2008, do. No matter who you cast your vote for though remember one thing, that this election is probably the most historic election of our time. Granted the year 2000 had its own set of twists and turns but hopefully the battleground states will come through as the nation watches the returns. For this and other news please go to or