Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Stealing the Empire

A rather interesting hoax pulled off by the New York City Daily Newspaper earlier this week almost went unnoticed. The 102 story Empire State Building traded hands briefly via the newspaper after it created bogus documents that would allow them to swipe up the $2 billion property under the company name of Nelots Properties, LLC. Nelots, in case you have not noticed by now spells "stolen" backwards. To make the hoax even more out of this world the signer was none other than original King Kong star Fay Wray and witness Willie Sutton who in his own right is also famous. A famous bank robber. The property was returned to its original owners after twenty four hours. The paper pulled the heist of the landmark building to show how simple it was for con-artists to swipe up property and make a quick buck. For this and other news please go to or

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