Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Claims 1st victim in the United States

On Monday, a twenty-three month old boy from Texas passed away from the recent outbreak of swine flu. Officials say that the family members of the deceased child have no symptoms of the illness. According to Fox News, "There are a total of 91 confirmed swine flu cases in the U.S., including Massachusetts, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Indiana and probable cases being reported in Illinois, Nebraska and Minnesota. South Carolina health officials have identified eight additional 'probable' cases of swine flu, bringing the total number to 10." For this and other news please go to or

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flu Season....Again?

While most Americans are looking forward to warm, summer weather, most are finding it difficult to escape a pesky winter virus. The flu. In 1918, during World War I our country saw an outbreak beyond proportion with simple influenza. The illness spread and broke out into a pandemic, which is classified as a spreading of an illness that affects large amounts of the population.
Today, at the start of the 21st Century there is a simple vaccination shot that each citizen of the United States can receive at the beginning of each winter season. However, recently a new form of the flu has spread. It has found its way to New York City and even Texas. According to reports, "The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that 40 people in five states have been sickened with swine flu."
Outside the country, in Mexico, a 149 people have died. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) are on high alert and the United Sates government had declared a public health emergency on Sunday according to reports. For this and other information please go to or

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lock Down

The White House went on lock down temporarily this morning. According to news reports, "A small, single-engine plane strayed into restricted air space near the U.S. Capitol on Friday, forcing anxious officials to place the White House in temporary lock down and take steps to evacuate the U.S. Capitol." The small plane was escorted to a nearby Maryland airport via F-14 and helicopter escorts. The crisis was over within minutes and the owner of the landing strip where the plane identified as a Cessna 180 landed said that it was all due to a GPS mistake. President Obama was believed to have been in the White House at the time, although reports have not confirmed the Presidents location. However, he did manage to keep to schedule making a 1:30pm appearance Diplomatic Reception Room to deliver an address on education. For this and other news please go to or

Over Kill

So how does someone survive being shot in the head with a nail gun at least 30 times? They don't. Such was the situation for Chen Liu from Sydney, Australia. The 27-year-old was found in the Georges River last November. According to news sources, "He was bound with electrical wires and an extension cord and the carpet was neatly folded with each end tucked in and then bound with three strips of wire." The nail gun used was high powered enough to drive nails as long as 85-mm. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Angels and Demons vs. The Press

Ron Howard might have scored it big with the Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks but Dan Brown's latest thriller movie Angels and Demons is stirring up quite the controversy of its own. Part of the controversy comes from New York Daily News reporter Bill Donahue who wrote that Angels and Demons did a good job of "smearing the Catholic Church with fabulously bogus tales." Howard responded by writing a statement that said, "And let me be a little controversial: I believe Catholics, including most in the hierarchy of the Church , will enjoy the movie for what it is: an exciting mystery, set in the awe-inspiring beauty of Rome." Despite the up roar and the controversal opinions of millions of movie-goers and critics about Howard's latest work, Dan Brown announced his follow up novel to the Da Vinci Code earlier this week. The Last Symbol will be released on September 15th. Angels and Demons will also star Tom Hanks and will be in theaters May 15th.

CraigsList Killer

Philip Markoff, age 22, has more to worry about these days other than wedding invitations and tuxedo rentals. On April 14th the medical lab technician at Boston University shot and killed 26-year-old Julissa Brisman of New York City in a Boston hotel. However, Markoff is also being charged with the April 10th kidnapping and armed robbery that took place at a different Boston hotel. According to reports from former high school classmates Markoff was a bully with a "hatred for people". His lab partner echoed this sediment saying that "He just wasn't right in the head, an I knew it, and probably other people did, too." Markoff would lure his victims to posh hotels within the city via the popular website Craigslist. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, April 20, 2009

Miss California Disses Perez Hilton

For viewers around the country last night the Miss USA competition was probably the most watched, especially after Miss California (photo above) answered Perez Hilton's question about legalizing same-sex marriage. Miss California politely replied that she believed marriage should be between a man a woman. This controversial statement had some Americans in the crowd cheering and others remaining silent, not knowing how to react. However, for standing her ground Americans should be proud. It is a difficult thing to do today, to go against the grind of the popular media in Hollywood. Besides Miss USA is supposed to be a role model not a politican. But rest assured, this being a free country and all, Perez Hilton had his say on his blog earlier today about how he believes she should not have won the coveted title. Miss North Carolina took home to the crown and will reign for a full year as Miss U.S.A. Congratulations to all those who competed.