Monday, April 20, 2009

Miss California Disses Perez Hilton

For viewers around the country last night the Miss USA competition was probably the most watched, especially after Miss California (photo above) answered Perez Hilton's question about legalizing same-sex marriage. Miss California politely replied that she believed marriage should be between a man a woman. This controversial statement had some Americans in the crowd cheering and others remaining silent, not knowing how to react. However, for standing her ground Americans should be proud. It is a difficult thing to do today, to go against the grind of the popular media in Hollywood. Besides Miss USA is supposed to be a role model not a politican. But rest assured, this being a free country and all, Perez Hilton had his say on his blog earlier today about how he believes she should not have won the coveted title. Miss North Carolina took home to the crown and will reign for a full year as Miss U.S.A. Congratulations to all those who competed.

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