Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Heckled for Health Care

The man pictured above is non-other than Representative Joe Wilson from South Carolina. The Republican Rep is being reprimanded today for his comments during last nights televised speech given by President Obama to the joint session of congress and the American people. At one point during the Presidents speech he stated that the health care plan he was hoping to have pass would not include illegal immigrants. After the president said these defining words Rep. Wilson and other members of congress booed him. However, Wilson's remarks were the loudest as he called out "You lie!" It was clear that the words had stunned Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Joe Biden who took their seats just behind President Obama. For those Americans who did not get to witness the heckling over health care reform first hand, all the proper news affiliations certainly covered it this morning. Representative Wilson has issued an apology to the President saying that his statement was regrettable. However, most Americans applauded Wilson for speaking up while others believe his comments were disrespectful. Senator Lindsey Graham stated that Obama's speech was "At times, overly combative", and that she felt, "he behaved in a manner beneath the dignity of the office. I fear his speech tonight has made it more difficult — not less — to find common ground." The debate about health care reform still rages and as the President hopes for an agreement, one may be reached later rather than sooner as hoped. For this and other news please go to, or

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