Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Going Rouge

Sarah Palin is blazing a new trail for herself and the GOP. After months of speculation as to why she stepped down as Governor of Alaska the answer was made clear yesterday as she gave her first interview to Oprah. Palin believes that by stepping down she has more power, time and the ability to speak her mind about issues that matter to the American people. In her new book, Going Rouge, Palin talks about her time in the McCain camp. Palin did not give up any details about whether or not she would be running for President in 2012, instead she is focusing on the issues and her family life. For this and more information go to http://www.foxnews.com/ or http://www.cnn.com/.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Fort Hood Devistated

Yesterday evening Fort Hood, Texas Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan unleashed a hail of gunfire that took the lives of 13 people and injured 30 more. According to reports the Major was about to deploy back to Iraq and was absolutely distraught about his deployment. Witnesses said they felt that Hasan was calm and further reports added taht Hasan had spent the days before giving away furniture from his own home. Authorities have searched Hasan's apartment and are also looking into the possibility that the gunman made several internet postigns about suicide bombers. For this and other news pelase go to http://www.foxnews.com/ or http://www.cnn.com/.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Yanking Our Chains

That's right folks its time for the World Series and Game 5 is up and going tonight and Game 6 has already been scheduled for Wednesday. So what's the score? In Game 1 the Phillies took the Yanks 6-1, Game 2 had Yankee's fans cheering louder than ever as they over powered the Phillies 3-1, Game 3 again saw the Yankee's come out the winners scoring 8 over the Phillies 5, Game 4 went to N.Y.C. again with a score of 7-3, and finally this evenings game went back to the city of brotherly love. Phillies 8 and New York close behind with 6.
For the first time since 2003 Game 6 will begin and Wednesday night Yankee Fans all over will be anxiously watching to see if their team brings home the 27th World Series trophy. But the Phillies aren't out yet. They too are keeping their eyes on the prize and could force a tie that would lead both teams in Game 7. A feat that has not happened since 2002. For this and more exciting sports updates please go to www.mlb.com.

A Change of Hands?

November 4th will be the one-year anniversary of President Obama's infamous win as he spread messages of Change and Hope throughout the country. However, one year later almost to the day, Virginians are singing a different tune. What was it that made voter turn out so strong? Which ad campaign successfully got its message out to the public? McDonnell, the Republican candidate for Governor of the state has been struggling for months and finally tonight has realized victory. But with one victory under its belt, does this spell a change of hands for the country's direction? As the GOP begins to rebuild its base from last November's Presidential election party members are also keeping a close eye on yet another state this evening. With the New Jersey Governorship up for grabs, the Republican Chris Christie is currently holding a three point lead over Democrat John Corzine. Corzine has had the Presidents support throughout much of his campaign. For this and other election news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.