Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A Change of Hands?

November 4th will be the one-year anniversary of President Obama's infamous win as he spread messages of Change and Hope throughout the country. However, one year later almost to the day, Virginians are singing a different tune. What was it that made voter turn out so strong? Which ad campaign successfully got its message out to the public? McDonnell, the Republican candidate for Governor of the state has been struggling for months and finally tonight has realized victory. But with one victory under its belt, does this spell a change of hands for the country's direction? As the GOP begins to rebuild its base from last November's Presidential election party members are also keeping a close eye on yet another state this evening. With the New Jersey Governorship up for grabs, the Republican Chris Christie is currently holding a three point lead over Democrat John Corzine. Corzine has had the Presidents support throughout much of his campaign. For this and other election news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

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