Monday, April 30, 2007

Get off the Road?

In Oakland, California yesterday the Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed. Now the city is urging people to use public transportation and get off the road. The accident occurred due to an oil tanker that "crashed and burst into flames, leaving one of the nation's busiest spans in a state of near paralysis. Officials said traffic could be disrupted for months." This is according to Spectators said that the flames shot up 200 feet in the air and the heat was overwhelming. For this and other news stories please go to or (Picture provided by

Friday, April 27, 2007


According to Johannes Kepler, the astronomer responsible for accurately discerning the that planets spun around the sun in elliptical motions and that the moons gravitational pull had something to do with our oceans tides he believed he knew when the universe was created. The big bang Kepler proposed happened in 4977 BC. Actually he was 13 million years off. Sometimes it is good to know that even the important people make mistakes too. For this and other news that did not go down in history please go to,,

Thursday, April 26, 2007

This Day in History

Today in 1954 the polio vaccine began trails. Polio affected nearly 1.8 million children and on April 12, 1955 the vaccine was officially declared safe and effective. As a result nearly all Americans have been vaccinated for the illness at their time of birth. According to, "In the ensuing decades, polio vaccines would all but wipe out the highly contagious disease in the Western Hemisphere." For this and other facts about today in history please go to

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9 Die in 82nd Airborne Divison

In Fort Bragg, North Carolina families and friends are mourning over the loss of 9 of their 82nd Airborne Division. According to, "Twenty paratroopers from the same division were wounded in the blast, which was also the single greatest loss of life for American ground forces since December 1, 2005, when a roadside bomb killed 10 Marines and wounded 11 on a foot patrol near Fllujah." For those who have lost a family member or close friend in this division Historyinthemaking would like to extend its deepest sympathies. You will all be in our thoughts throughout the week. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Yeltsin Dies at 76

On Monday word was released that Boris Yeltsin, the man who led Russia through its most chaotic year passed away at the age of 76. According to, "He suffered health problems since resigning from office on December 31, 1999, and suffered sudden heart failure, medical sources told Russia's Interfax news agency." For this and other news stories please go to,, or (Picture at right provided by CNN).

Monday, April 23, 2007

One Week Later

One week after the deadly shooting that claimed 33 lives, Virginia Tech students returned to their classes. According to many students feel that they should return to classes some saying that it will help them to mourn and being with people will make it a lot easier. Yesterday the American Falls were bathed in maroon and orange to honor those lost at VT. For those who have lost a loved one or a close friend the nation's thoughts are with you. Let's go Hookies! (Picture provided by The American Falls).

Friday, April 20, 2007

Say Your Prayers

In Selmer, Tennessee yesterday a judge found Mary Winkler, whose husband was a minister, with voluntary manslaughter. The defense claimed that her husband was both sexually and physically abusive towards her. The mother of three girls was convicted earlier last year. According to, "Mary Winkler testified that "something went off" as she pointed the shotgun at Matthew Winkler during an argument. She said she was terrified of him, and pointed the weapon at him to force him to talk through their problems. But she denied pulling the trigger." Winkler will remain free on bond until her sentencing date of May 18th. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by CNN).

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Last Words

The final words of the Virginia Tech shooter chilled the campus, the nation, and authorities to the bone. However, authorities did relate that the information they received from watching the tapes Cho Seung-Hui mailed to them just confirmed what they already knew. Virginia Tech has cancelled all their classes for the remainder of the week in order to give their students and faculty the time to mourn. reported that "On NBC's "Today" show, host Meredith Vieira said the decision to air the information "was not taken lightly." Some victims' relatives canceled their plans to speak wit NBC because they were upset over the airing of the images, she said." For this and other news please go to,, or

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Candle Light Prayers

Throughout the nation last night prayers and thoughts were lifted up by candle light for those who have lost friends and loved ones at Virginia Tect. Although we can never really understand what brings a person to commit such a violent crime and to believe that they are justified in doing so, we pray even for their family who is struggling with the unthinkable. As I watched the news throughout the day yesterday, the faces, names, majors, and class ranks became even more real. Foreign language majors, member of the marching band, freshmen who were trying to understand where it was they fit in on the huge 2600 acre college. And most importantly the teachers that in the end turned out to be heroes. From Historyinthemaking our prayers go out to those in need and for strength in the days ahead. For this and other news please go to or (Picture provided by

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VT Shooter Identified

Earlier today it was announced that the gunman who wounded several students at Virginia Tech and killed 33 was in fact a student who lived on campus. The shooter was identified as Cho Seung-Hui who according to reports was in deed a loner and as a result the authorities are unable to find out much about him. reported that, "Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said the shooter was a 23-year-old resident alien who was an undergraduate senior English major. He had a residence in Centreville, Va., but was also living on campus in Harper Hall." For updates on this story and others please go to or (Picture provided by

Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16th: 33 Dead, Several Injured, Virgina Tech.

News reports are calling it the worst attack in a school in the history of the United States. The Virginia Tech administration has been attempting to explain why the college was not locked down and why students were still allowed to go to class after a reported shooting took place earlier today on the campus. According to, "By the end of the spree, 33 people, including the gunman, were dead and authorities warned the toll could rise because several more were critically injured." As of now the identity of the lone gunman is unknown by authorities, he carried no ID into the school. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost or have an injured loved one or friend. For this and updates on this story please go to or (Picture provided by

Remembering and Honoring

Daniel Pearl as many of us remember was the journalist murdered by terrorists in 2002. Yesterday as apart of the Holocaust remembrance and dedication of the Holocaust Memorial Wall Pearl's name was added amongst the 30,000 others. Daniel's father Judea Pearl had this to say at the ceremony. "Although Pearl's death and the Jews of the Holocaust were executed by people of different faith, language and agendas, there is a common thread of hatred." For this and other news about the memorial please go to or

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday Edition

"Bond, James Bond." Those famous words have been uttered by more than a few good men but Barry Nelson was the first. He was contracted by MGM in the 1940s but Mr. Nelson passed away April 7th at the age of 89. A graduate of UC Berkley and staring in several films throughout the '40s Mr. Nelson got his big shot at the dark and mysterious 007. According to "Nelson played Bond in a one-hour TV adaptation of "Casino Royale" in 1954." Nelson leaves behind a wife. From Historyinthemaking we extend out condolences to the family and friends of Barry Nelson. For this and other news please go to,, or

Friday, April 13, 2007

All about Katie

For once the news is all about Katie Couric. Yesterday news sources reported that Katie has been seen around town with a 33-year-old Brooks Perlin. According to Perlin's father had this to say about the relationship, "These are two private people and I respect that." For this and more on Katie Couric and other news please go to or

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Buy Out

Nestle is reported to buy Gerber. According to news reports the price is $5.5 million from Gerber's current owner Novartis pharmaceutical. USA TODAY reported, "Nestle is the world's largest manufacturer of infant nutritional products--largely through its leading positions in developing countries such as Brazil and China-- but had no presence in baby food in the United States." For this and other news please go to

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Congratulations....Your the Father!

Yesterday the entire world learned that Anna Nicole Smith's seven month old baby girl, Dannielynn, is the daughter of none other than Mr. Larry Birkhead. The judge the case will rule on custody issues this Friday while Brikhead has decided to remain in the Bahamas for about a month. reported that, "Birkhead's paternity seemed to be a certainty to everyone except the man who held it up, Howard K. Stern." Now all eyes are on Mr. Stern and the two television shows which took his side throughout the entire ordeal. Entertainment Tonight and The Insider both paid for footage of the funeral and only mentioned Mr. Birkhead as the supposed father of Danielynn. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Detroit Office Building Attacked

Monday in Troy, Michigan an office building was attacked by a lone gunman who shot three people. One of the victims died later on while the other two were in serious condition. Police reported yesterday that 38-year-old Anthony LaCalamita had selected his three targets after being fired on Friday from his job in the same building. According to, "Sheriff's deputies and state police chased him for thirty miles, including through a construction zone, at speeds up to 120mph before he finally pulled over after about 15 minutes." Police found a long barrel shot gun or riffle in the back of LaCalamita's car. The shooter is now in custody. For this and other stories please go to or (Picture at left provided by; Anthony LaCalamita).

Friday, April 06, 2007


Due to the Easter Holiday Historyinthemaking will not be up for the next three days. Postings will be made again on April 10, 2007. If you are traveling Historyinthemaking would like to wish you all a very safe trip to home, friends, and family. Thank you for all your support.



FBI Agent Shot Dead; Suspects Arrested

Yesterday an FBI agent was shot during a robbery sting. It is theorized that he might have been accidentally shot by one of the other agents involved. According to, "Special Agent Barry Lee Bush, assigned to the FBI's Newark office, died Thursday after his stakeout team shot at the three armed men, who were in vehicles outside a PNC Bank branch." The three suspects were arrested. An estimated three hundred law enforcement officers had been searching for the fugitives. For this and other news please go to or (Picture at left provided by

Thursday, April 05, 2007

British Troops Released

After being held for thirteen days fifteen British soldiers will return home from Iran. The sailors and marines supposedly went into Iranian waters which led to their detainment. Iran's president Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday that he would release the soldiers as a gift. According to "In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed "profound relief" over the peaceful end to the thirteen day crisis." For this and other news please go to or (Picture on left provided by; the British troops.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Arrest Made

An arrest was made in the disappearance of LaFayette, Georgia dispatcher Theresa Parker. According to, "LaFayette police officer Harbin Chaffin was arrested in regards to the case, Walker County Sheriff Steve Wilson announced." As a result of the arrest there will be an internal investigation. Sam Parker, Theresa's husband, is on the same police force with Chaffin. For this and other news please go to or (Picture at right provided by Theresa Parker and Sam Paker)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

TB in Jail

Robert Daniels was locked up in jail, not for a crime, but for the strain of TB that he has developed. XDR-TB is a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis. Daniels is 27-years-old and is from Phoenix, Arizona and is currently on a ventilation system that keeps this strain of TB from spreading. reported, "County health authorities obtained a court order to lock him up as a danger to the public because he failed to take precautions to avoid infecting others. Specifically, he said he did not heed doctors' instructions to wear a mask in public." For this and other news please go to or

Monday, April 02, 2007


Dispatcher Theresa Parker has been missing since Saturday. Her husband Sam Parker has been cooperating with the police investigation but her sister believes something more has happened. The search for Mrs. Parker includes 168 volunteers. Her sister, Christina Hill told Fox News, "I can honestly say that I do believe he's involved. That's what I feel, that's what I know in my heart." Speaking of Sam Parker who has yet to talk to the family since his wife's disappearance. Theresa Parker is 41-years-old from LaFayette, Georgia. For this and other news please go to or (Picture at left: Provided by