Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer Coverage

The great thing about summer is that there is no limit to the amount of coverage the media can give celebrities, rather it is pop-culture celebs or political. I've been setting back relaxing for several weeks now and have enjoyed my time off. However, it has not be uneventful. I have witnessed the mayhem behind Paris Hilton's jail sentence, and recently the death of Lady Bird Johnson. It surprised me to learn that Paris Hilton, is in her mid-twenties, because she acts like she's a teenager. Although I do think jail might have helped her some, it will ultimately be her actions that will speak louder than words and we'll see how far that goes. The recent passing of Lady Bird Johnson has not gone unnoticed by many Americans this week. Here at HistoryintheMaking our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family. Her husband was another President whose term was soiled by a war but despite the troubles of that era we still have to respect the man and the office he held. So here's to the summer and hopefully more up-lifting news.

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