Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Would You like Fries with That?

Mary Byrne Smith, an Alabama ministers wife, who has been missing for almost over four months was found yesterday. According to police Mary was working at a New York fast-food restaurant, unharmed, under an alias. Police Chief Mike Halphen reported to the press that Mary did not wish to disclose the reasons for her disappearance. In order to get to New York Mrs. Smith pawned her wedding ring and asked how far the money would take her. Mary will not face any criminal charges because the police believe that she left of her own free well in an attempt to start a new life. For the rest of this story and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hitting a Home Run

This weekend millions of Simpson fans got exactly what they had been waiting for. The release of the SIMPSON'S movie raked in $71.4 million at the box office. The SIMPSON'S over took "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" bumping it down to second place and Harry Potter into third. It finally appears that Homer hit a home run. Hope everyone who went enjoyed it. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Kiss is Worth A Thousand Words

Glenn McDuffie was not believed to be telling the truth when he claimed to be the kissing sailor in a classic sixty-two year old photograph. However a renowned Texas sketch police artist backs up Mr. McDuffie's claim. Lois Gibson said that his eyebrows, hair texture, and facial features match the photograph taken in Times Square. The photo is infamous for being one of the best taken at the relief of the end of the second World War. Mr. McDuffie said that it was time people knew the truth. I suppose a kiss really is worth a thousand words. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Lo-Down on Lohan

As a member of the general public I would have to say that there is something wrong with young Hollywood. Where is the roll models that our parents and grandparents grew up with? Better yet where is young Hollywood's parents? The latest news crept out about Lindsey Lohan yesterday morning as she decided to pursue her assistance mother in a chase that led her straight to the police again and this time she was not only arrested for DUI but for having cocaine in one of her pockets. Lindsey claimed yesterday that the drugs were not hers. Hardly two weeks after being released from Promises, a clinic that deals addictions, Lindsey's snap shot is taken again and lawyers are saying that she could get up to six months in prison if she does not immediately go back into rehab. It is my personal opinion that jail time is exactly what the doctor ordered. This young woman needs to realize that not everyone has her talent and not everyone can have the impact on people's lives the way she can if she wanted to. More than likely Lohan will pull some jail time though because the California courts saw what happened when Paris Hilton was released. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com, or www.msbnbc.com.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This Day in History

On this day in 1965 singer-song writer Bob Dylan made his first appearance at the Newport Folk Festival. Growing up this young up-and-coming star had taught himself how to play the guitar and soon got together his own band. His songs that held cryptic meaning to some and inspired a generation got him into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988. Today Dylan has had a successful career numbering 40 years. For this and other historical events please go to www.historychannel.com.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tammy Fay Dies at Age 65

Late last night millions of people learned of Tammy Faye's passing. Earlier in the week, on Thursday night, Tammy sat down to talk with CNN's Larry King Live about her life, her children, answer letters from her fans, and talk about her cancer. It was the last interview of her career. Tammy Faye died at her North Carolina Home at the age of 65. Despite her cancer she never appeared to be down in spirits and joked with Larry King that if she could be remembered for one thing it would have to be her eyelashes. There are millions of people who will never forget her loving sense of humor and her strength. The family will hold a private ceremony on Saturday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tammy Faye's family, friends, and of course her fans. For this and other news please go to www.cnn.com, www.foxnews.com, www.msnbc.com.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Youth in a Pill?

Two scientists believe that they can possibly produce the Fountain of Youth in a tiny little pill. But shockingly it just isn't any pill. The pill is made up of chemicals and ingredients that can only be found in Red Wine. The two pioneers are also looking to shape the future of growing old by finding ways to cure other diseases such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, and heart disease. For now the pill has only been tested on lab mice, but will soon be furnished to humans. For this and other stories please go to www.yahoo.com, www.msnbc.com, www.foxnews.com, or www.cnn.com.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here's A Tip......for $10,000!

An Indiana Pizza Hut waitress received a $10,000 tip from a mother with her three sons. The waitress, whose name is Jessica Osborne, had dreams of attending college to further her education and when the gift was presented to her she reportedly broke down in tears. The mother and sons wish their identities to remain unknown but I am certain that Jessica will never forget them or that day when her dreams of attending college were made possible. Truly this was a miracle for this young woman and I applaud the mother and her sons for what they did for her. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com, www.msnbc.com.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Crown Me!

It looks like after much debate over the spicy photographs that have been floating around of the now infamous Miss New Jersey that she will be keeping her crown after all. The photo's were pulled from her FACEBOOK page and circulated around by an anonymous source. On yesterday's TODAY Show she explained that it was about going out and having a good time with friends. While she claims to be the victim though there are several critics who say otherwise. Let this be a lesson to everyone, never put up photographs that your own mother wouldn't approve of. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com, or www.msnbc.com. Photo: www.foxnews.com

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer Coverage

The great thing about summer is that there is no limit to the amount of coverage the media can give celebrities, rather it is pop-culture celebs or political. I've been setting back relaxing for several weeks now and have enjoyed my time off. However, it has not be uneventful. I have witnessed the mayhem behind Paris Hilton's jail sentence, and recently the death of Lady Bird Johnson. It surprised me to learn that Paris Hilton, is in her mid-twenties, because she acts like she's a teenager. Although I do think jail might have helped her some, it will ultimately be her actions that will speak louder than words and we'll see how far that goes. The recent passing of Lady Bird Johnson has not gone unnoticed by many Americans this week. Here at HistoryintheMaking our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family. Her husband was another President whose term was soiled by a war but despite the troubles of that era we still have to respect the man and the office he held. So here's to the summer and hopefully more up-lifting news.