Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tammy Fay Dies at Age 65

Late last night millions of people learned of Tammy Faye's passing. Earlier in the week, on Thursday night, Tammy sat down to talk with CNN's Larry King Live about her life, her children, answer letters from her fans, and talk about her cancer. It was the last interview of her career. Tammy Faye died at her North Carolina Home at the age of 65. Despite her cancer she never appeared to be down in spirits and joked with Larry King that if she could be remembered for one thing it would have to be her eyelashes. There are millions of people who will never forget her loving sense of humor and her strength. The family will hold a private ceremony on Saturday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tammy Faye's family, friends, and of course her fans. For this and other news please go to,,

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