Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's That Time Again.....

Hardly seems like four years ago when our nation held the Presidential Election of 2004. Now it's that time again...yep, the Republicans are duking it out for their shot at the White House, the Democrats are equally divided among Hillary and Obama and the battle continues with South Carolina. And this in itself could be a premonition of things to come for this up-coming Presidential Election. As with Abraham Lincoln South Carolina was a dividing point between war and peace. Next year it will be between Republican and Democrat. But the state has not voted for a Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1980. Right now the four top Republican contenders are Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and John McCain. What is making this race unlike the one in '04 is the undecideds. Many people are contending that it will come down to Giuliani and Romney, others lean more to Thompson's side, and still others are liking McCain's stance. Whoever it is it will not be long until there is a clear winner, until then though it's not a bad idea to take in everyone's opinion and the candidates stances on the major issues. For this and other updates please go to,, or

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