Friday, February 29, 2008

Proud Liberal Republican?

John McCain got a little ahead of himself in Richardson Texas this week. According to McCain began by saying "I’m a proud, conservative, liberal Republi- Hello! Easy there,” McCain said, laughing along with his audience at Texas Instruments Inc." Luckily though the Senator corrected himself by adding “Let me say this: I am a proud, conservative Republican, and both of my possible or likely opponents today are liberal Democrats.” After this moment passed McCain slipped up one more time during a Q and A session about the upcoming debates by saying that his debate with either Senator Clinton or Obama would be 'dispirited' to which he also recovered and corrected himself. For this this and other news please go to or for the latest on the campaign trail.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Last night one of the biggest nights in Hollywood played out as envelopes were opened for several 'best' awards. The first one 'best picture' went to NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. 'Best original screenplay' went to that sassy pregnant teenager Juno while 'best actress' went to Marion Cotillard for her role in LA VIE EN ROSE. 'Best actor' without a doubt was Daniel Day Lewis in THERE WILL BE BLOOD. As for the music 'best score' went to ATONEMENT. For this and other Oscar worthy news please go to, or

Friday, February 22, 2008

And the Winner is....

After claiming to want to be a reality television star, or host his own game show, former police officer Drew Peterson may be the lucky winner of a trip behind bars. Katleen Savio, Peterson's third wife who supposedly died by drowning in fact was murdered. According to Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow said "We have been investigating this as a murder since reopening the case in November of last year. We now have a scientific basis to formally and publicly classify it as such." When approached with the results Peterson claimed that it was hard to believe. The fifty-four-year-old former sergeant of Bollingbrook Police Department had not yet been charged with any wrong doing. Although this latest development does lead to more questions than answers. For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clinton Needs a Landslide

Hillary Clinton will need landslide victories in several states in order to erase Obama's recent wins in Wisconsin and Hawaii yesterday. Clinton now has a total of 1,024 delegates whereas Obama brings in 1,178. Clinton will have to campaign hard if she hopes to win Mississippi on March 11th because Obama looks well positioned to win. For this and other Election '08 news please go to or

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fidel Castro Steps Down

After a 49-year reign over Cuba the 81 year old President of Cuba announced that he is stepping down from his position. Castro leaves his brother Raul, 76, to make decisions and lead the country. It has been nearly half a century that Fidel has ruled over the island and its people. Castro had left power to his brother back in July 2006 after having undergone surgery. The Cuban leader has been seen periodically since. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, February 18, 2008

Helping or Hurting?

Bill Clinton continues to roll through the country to support his wife Hillary and her campaign. But questions surrounding the former President and his administration leave some to wonder if he is actually helping his wife's situation or making it worse. The latest from the Clinton campaign is that the former President himself was asked about abortion while on the trail. According to Clinton said that abortion rates came down during his Presidency and in fact "Abortions declined between 1993 and 2000 from 1.5 million to 1.31 million, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. The number continued to decline to 1.21 million through 2005, the last year of available data from AGI." For this and more about the Presidential 2008 election.

Friday, February 15, 2008

North Illinois Victim Dies

The death toll has been brought to 7 since yesterdays shooting at North Illinois University, this is including the gunman. County Corner Dennis Miller released the names of the victims according to NBC news, "Daniel Parmenter, 20, of Westchester; Catalina Garcia, 20, of Cicero; Ryanne Mace, 19, of Carpentersville; and Julianna Gehant, 32, of Meridan." For this and other news please go to, or

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Going All the Way

Earlier today Mike Huckabee surprised his supporters by winning Kansas with an overwhelming amount of supports with 37% of precincts reporting. As for the Democratic party, Obama has caught up and ran past Hillary Clinton. Obama won Nebraska, Washington, The Virgin Island Caucus, and Louisiana's Democratic Primary. On the Republican side Romney's voters split their support down the middle but overall gave Huckabee a win with 48%. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, February 08, 2008

Coast to Coast

Believe it or not but a leatherback turtle, especially this leatherback turtle managed to make his way from the coast of Thailand to the shores of Oregon here in the United States. Researchers say the turtle is the perfect animal to be doing this time of coast to coast swimming. In 2003 nine turtles were tagged for research and swam to Oregon then down to Hawaii making it a 12,774 mile journey taking over 600 days. For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Stepping Aside

Mitt Romney announced today to a group of conservatives that his bid for the White House in 2008 has come it an end. "Because I love America I must step aside." These were some of the candidates final words. Romney trailed McCain in the number of delegates he recieved on Super Tuesday. Yesterday the Romney camp was mapping the road to win the bid at the Republican National Convention but today it seems that now it is up to Mike Huckabee to decide whether he will do the same. For this and other news please go to or

Sunday, February 03, 2008


I am certainly a huge fan of the NFL, and my two favorites went to the Super Bowl this year. So that goes without saying that it was hard to get behind just one certain team but I knew I was not going to be disappointed either way. I think it is about time the NYG's got theirs, but on the other hand I really wanted to see the Patriots go for 19-0. Now that would have been history in the making but as I said, it's all good. The first half rounded off with the NYG's getting 3-0 and then in the second quarter a surprise pull by the Pats with 7-3. That score remained through the third quarter. In the forth, it was appeared to be no contest. Everyone knew it was going to be the Pats, 14-7 but in a surprise upset the NYG's had luck on their side and in one brief second the game flipped to 17-14 Giants in the lead. Amazing game, great players, and even better plays. Good game guys and for the Pats, there's always next year guys. For this and other Super Bowl updates please go to

Friday, February 01, 2008

Microsoft Bids on YAHOO

Microsoft has offered an outstanding $44.6 billion for the search engine YAHOO. This is all part of a strategy to compete with another internet search engine who you might know as Google. If sold the Yahoo creators could be offered cash or parts of Microsoft's shares. But even though it's a whopping sum of money for one company that is no sign that YAHOO will be taking the bate any time soon. Last year the company rejected a similar offer by Microsoft. For this and other news please go to or