Sunday, February 03, 2008


I am certainly a huge fan of the NFL, and my two favorites went to the Super Bowl this year. So that goes without saying that it was hard to get behind just one certain team but I knew I was not going to be disappointed either way. I think it is about time the NYG's got theirs, but on the other hand I really wanted to see the Patriots go for 19-0. Now that would have been history in the making but as I said, it's all good. The first half rounded off with the NYG's getting 3-0 and then in the second quarter a surprise pull by the Pats with 7-3. That score remained through the third quarter. In the forth, it was appeared to be no contest. Everyone knew it was going to be the Pats, 14-7 but in a surprise upset the NYG's had luck on their side and in one brief second the game flipped to 17-14 Giants in the lead. Amazing game, great players, and even better plays. Good game guys and for the Pats, there's always next year guys. For this and other Super Bowl updates please go to

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