Thursday, March 27, 2008

Police Hunt for Sniper

Virginia authorities are searching this morning for a sniper that supposedly shot several vehicles along I-64 along Route 250 in Charlottesville. According to reports two people were injured and the first sign of a threat came around midnight last night. Both people were given care and it is unclear whether they were shot or were hit with pieces of glass, neither of them have life threatening wounds. The stretch of highway was closed from 12:10am until 6am this morning. Albemarle County Schools were closed as a result of the shootings. Col. Steve Flaherty told that he did not know for sure how long this had gone on but said that it appeared the same weapon was used in all shooting incidents along the route. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, March 21, 2008

Security Breach

As news has spread about Senator Obama's passport being breached now comes the news that he was not the only Presidential Candidate whom someone had gained access to. Senator John McCain and Hillary Clinton's passport information was also breached. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a personal phone call to Presidential candidate Omaba about the situation and measures being taken to make sure such information remains as safe as possible and out of the wrong hands. Clinton's information was accessed in the summer of 2007 during a training exercise where employees were encouraged to enter names of family members, but one chose Senator Clinton. The two people responsible for accessing Obama's information are now without a job and the third has been reprimanded. Now it's all a matter of digging for the truth as to why and what were these people expecting to find or gain from breaching passport information? According to John McCain issued a statement saying "The U.S. government has a responsibility to respect the privacy of all Americans. It appears that privacy was breached and I expect a thorough review and a change in procedures as necessary to ensure the privacy of all passport files." For this and other news please go to or

Sunday, March 16, 2008


John Glasgow, 45, chief financial officer of CDI Contractors LLC of Little Rock, has been missing since January 28th of this year. Glasgow' company had worked on the Clinton Library in Little Rock and some believe that the stress of restructuring the company alone was enough to make him run away. However, authorities still have no clues. On January 29th police found Glasgow's car in a State Park but there is no evidence of foul play. The only lead the police have managed to obtain is that of a Waffle House employee who said that a man matching Mr. Glasgow's description ordered breakfast there around the same time he disappeared. According to the employee the man ate his breakfast appearing untroubled and not at all worried about restructuring a company, audits, or money. For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dream, Dream, Dream....Dream On

Could the Democrats be looking for Hillary and Obama to get together as running mates? There has been talk, allegations and speculations but according to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi it is only a pipe dream. When asked how she felt about the speculations Pelosi accordingly said to reporters at "Asked why she felt so strongly about this, she responded: “Do you want me to go through a lifetime of political gut? Take it from me. That won’t be the ticket.” For this and other campaign news please go to or

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To resign or not to resign

Yesterday news broke that current Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer was said to have called in services of a prostitute to his hotel room in Washington D.C. last month. It is believed that Spitzer will step down as soon as this afternoon. If the Governor does not decide to abdicate his position he may be facing impeachment. Upon being confronted with the allegations Spitzer gave this statement to and other reporters yesterday. "I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and violates my -- or any -- sense of right and wrong," he said. "I apologize to the public, whom I promised better." For this and other news please go to or

Friday, March 07, 2008

To Catch a Murderer

An arrest may come soon in the case of Auburn University student Lauren Burk, eighteen. Authorities in the case believe that Lauren knew her attacker but they would not release any names at this time. Lauren's murder came shortly before University of North Carolina student body President Eve Carson who also was found shot near her campus. Police Chief Brain Curran, in Lauren's case said that they were not sure what Lauren was doing in the upscale neighborhood in which she was found on Wednesday. Lauren's car turned up just a mile away according to Police are still investigating both murders. For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, March 06, 2008

UNC Student Shot

On Tuesday police responded to the reports of hearing gunfire on the University of North Carolina campus. According to the Winston-Salem journal in North Carolina, the victim was twenty-two-year-old Eve Carson a student who was also the Student Body President. Eve's body was found by police at the intersection of Hillcrest Dr. and Hillcrest Circle. Carson, from Georgia is one of the victims of Southern campus shootings. Police believe that her 2005 Toyota Highlander may have been stolen and asks anyone having seen it to report it immediately. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Clinton Takeover?

Hillary Clinton took Rhode Island, Ohio and even Texas on Tuesday sweeping by her opponent in this election Barack Obama. Obama himself escaped last night with Vermont's delegates but Clinton only trailed him there by a few hundred votes. Clinton showed that she was not out of the race yet and said to Ohio voters last night “You know what they say — ‘As Ohio goes, so goes the nation’ … This nation’s coming back and so is this campaign.” On the Republican side John McCain was the clear winner as Mike Huckabee, the other remaining candidate who had yet to step down finally did so. This has been the most interesting election by far in many years and the turn out is still a surprise on the Democrat side. Who will win? Stay tuned and for this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

McCain wins 4 States

Republican Presidential candidate John McCain has succeeded and pushed for wins in four states today claiming victory with 1, 191 delegates as Mike Huckabee steps down and out of the race. Huckabee did tell his supporters that he had called McCain and told NBC News, "I called Sen. McCain a few minutes ago," he said. "... I extended to him not only my congratulations but my commitment … to do everything possible to unite our party, but more important our country." Huckabee had a total of 527 delegates by the end of the race yet no one will ever be able to say that he did not give up easily by any means, he fought the good fight and his supporters know that better than anyone. For this and other news on the Presidential race please go to, or

Favre to Retire

After seventeen seasons with the Green Bay Packers number 4 has announced his retirement today. Brett Favre is thirty eight and has been the quarter back for the Packers for several years. He announced his decision to his agent on Monday. For this and other news please go to or