Tuesday, March 04, 2008

McCain wins 4 States

Republican Presidential candidate John McCain has succeeded and pushed for wins in four states today claiming victory with 1, 191 delegates as Mike Huckabee steps down and out of the race. Huckabee did tell his supporters that he had called McCain and told NBC News, "I called Sen. McCain a few minutes ago," he said. "... I extended to him not only my congratulations but my commitment … to do everything possible to unite our party, but more important our country." Huckabee had a total of 527 delegates by the end of the race yet no one will ever be able to say that he did not give up easily by any means, he fought the good fight and his supporters know that better than anyone. For this and other news on the Presidential race please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com or www.nbc.com.

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