Friday, March 21, 2008

Security Breach

As news has spread about Senator Obama's passport being breached now comes the news that he was not the only Presidential Candidate whom someone had gained access to. Senator John McCain and Hillary Clinton's passport information was also breached. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a personal phone call to Presidential candidate Omaba about the situation and measures being taken to make sure such information remains as safe as possible and out of the wrong hands. Clinton's information was accessed in the summer of 2007 during a training exercise where employees were encouraged to enter names of family members, but one chose Senator Clinton. The two people responsible for accessing Obama's information are now without a job and the third has been reprimanded. Now it's all a matter of digging for the truth as to why and what were these people expecting to find or gain from breaching passport information? According to John McCain issued a statement saying "The U.S. government has a responsibility to respect the privacy of all Americans. It appears that privacy was breached and I expect a thorough review and a change in procedures as necessary to ensure the privacy of all passport files." For this and other news please go to or

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