Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fighting on the Front Lines

England's very own Prince Harry has asked that his Army bosses send him back to the front lines in Afghanistan. Harry had a successful first tour earlier this year. Members of his division will be training later next week at Windsor’s Combermere Barracks. Harry will not be joining his division immediately but will be sent to do regular regimental training. At 23 years old Harry's commanders will decide how and when he will be ready to return to the front lines. The Ministry of Defense has also struck a deal with the press to allow Harry to fight overseas in secret. For this and other news please go to or

Behind Bars

The disappearance of two-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony has residents of Orange County baffled. Caylee's mother, who was recently released on a $500,000 bond paid by bondsmen is now back behind bars. While released Casey Anthony was placed under house arrest. The bondsmen had questioned whether they should revoke the bond or not, but on Friday all that changed. Casey Anthony was once again brought into police custody, this time under the charges of check fraud. By allowing her to be released officials hoped that Casey would aid in the search for the missing toddler. Casey Anthony is being held at a new bond of $3,000. Caylee disappeared on June 16th. Casey still claims that the babysitter she supposedly left Caylee with kidnapped her. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama-Biden vs. McCain-Palin

Well folks it's official. Both Presidential candidates for 2008 have picked their running mates. Obama's choice came first on the eve of the Democratic National Convention. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware is the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee despite rumors that the Illinois Senator would pick Hillary Clinton as his VP. John McCain announced earlier today that he would be filling his VP spot, and no it was not Mitt Romney as many were hoping, but with the Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin, 44-years-old and once mayor of a small town in Alaska found herself for the first time in the national spotlight. "I am honored," She said to reporters. It will be an interesting match up between these two very diverse tickets. For this and other news please go to, or

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Amazing Stories

Here at the Globe we strive to keep up with the latest and sometimes most outrageously exciting news stories. These next two stories are just amazing enough to make us smile and ah at this interesting world we live on. An Egyptian woman this week gave birth to seven, yes seven, children at the age of twenty-seven. The new mother was blessed with four boys and three girls in all who are said to be doing well. According to reports the newborns will be "placed in incubators in four different hospitals that have special premature baby units." Our next story is just as amazing. This years Olympic games have seen records set and broken. From the fastest man alive to the record setting Michael Phelps with his eight gold metal wins. But last night the Olympics watched as mother and forty-one-year-old Dara Torres took away the silver metal. Competeing against sixteen-year-old Australian Cate Campbell Torres was thrilled with her win when she saw her time of 24.07 seconds. For this and other amazing stories please go to, or

Golden Boy

In true American fashion Michael Phelps brought national and worldwide attention to him and his sport. People from all over tuned in last night to watch the Olympic champion of then seven gold metals win his final record setting eighth. Phelps now holds the world record for most won gold metals in a single game. One more metal than 1972 winner Spitz. Competing with passion Phelps made his country proud. It appears history opened its doors after all and Phelps has became America's new golden boy. For this and other news please go to, or

Saturday, August 16, 2008

7th Heaven

Looks like Michael Phelps' goal is not so unattainable after all. Tying Olympic champion and record setter Mark Spitz Phelps grasped his 7th gold metal and is looking for the eighth. In 50.58 Phelps' hand reached the wall one hundred of a second ahead of his competitor Serbia's Milorad Cavic. Spitz reportedly told Phelps that what he had accomplished was truly historical. For this and other news please go to or

Temper, Temper

Everyone seems to be cheering and rejoicing in the light of the Summer Olympic Games. However, there are a few who do not seem to understand the rules of fair play. Ara Abrahamian, a Swedish wrestler lost to Italian Andrea Minguzzi who went on to take gold in the Greco-Roman 84-kilogram division. According to press reports Abrahamian "took the bronze from around his neck and, angrily, dropped it on the mat as he walked away." His metal was revoked due to his inability to show the spirit of fair play. Abrahamian becomes the forth athlete to be kicked out of the Games and brings the total number of metals removed to three. For this and other news please go to, or

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mongolia Rejoices!

Tuvshinbayar Naidan’s judo win on Thursday has gave the country of Mongolia something to rejoice for. The young man has officially snagged Mongolia's first ever Olympic Gold Metal. Fireworks went off above his hometown of Ulan Bator when he beat Kazakhstan’s Askhat Zhitkeyev in the men’s 100-kilogram class. The country has won several metals in other events in the past but none of them have been gold. For now though, he has given his country and his family something to be deeply proud of. For this and other news please go to or

Knocking at History's Door

It seems that the only thing people can talk about these days is Michael Phelps, and with good reason. Phelps has proven that he is half man, half fish when it comes to all things aquatic. Now as he grasps his sixth gold metal of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games Phelps is knocking at history's door. Could he actually obtain all 8? This was his goal before going to Beijing and so far it seems he has lived up to it. Early this morning, late last night eastern time Phelps was determined to sink the competition and in the 200-meter individual medley he set a world-record time of 1:54.23. Will history open its door for Phelps? We'll just have wait and see. For this and other news please go to, or

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Larger than Life Legacy

At fifty three-years-old and seven-foot-seven-inches tall Sandy Allen has passed away. The lessons and wisdom that she shared will linger on for generations as she is most noted for speaking to school aged children about being different and how that is all right. According to a family friend, Rita Rose, Sandy Allen, "died at a nursing home in her hometown of Shelbyville." Unfortunately the cause of death is unknown. Her friend also said that Allen always embraced her height and was proud to hold the record of the tallest woman in the world. For this and other news please go to, or

Monday, August 11, 2008

India Goes for Gold!

This years Olympic Summer Games have been full of spectacular visuals and sorrowful moments as many athletes were unable to attend and one coach experienced the loss of a family member. But today, as the Olympics continued one country finally got a taste of what these world games symbolize. India, for the first time in the nation's history, received a gold metal. Abhinav Bindra’s is a shooter who is now the Olympic World Champion in the 10 m Air Rifle event. His family reportedly celebrated their sons success at the Olympics by offering sweets at their home to friends and neighbors. Bindra's father, A.S. Bindra, reportedly said to Reuters, "He has won the greatest medal in the world." Bindra's mother joked that her son was now "the country’s most eligible bachelor.” For this and other news pleas go to, or

Sunday, August 10, 2008

One Down, Many More to Go

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps set a goal before he made his debut at the Beijing Summer Olympic Games. Four years ago Phelps was on top of his game, but this year he wants eight gold metals. That total is one better than what Olympiad Mark Spitz in 1972 received. Phelps one his first gold metal yesterday evening for the 400-meter individual medley. For this and other news please go to or

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Bernie Mac Dies at 50

Bernie Mac the comedian slash actor who has become a well known personality through his television show, guest appearances and movies has died at the age of 50. Mac suffered from sarcoidosis, an inflammatory lung disease that produces tiny lumps of cells in the body's organs. Danica Smith, Mac's publicist said that the comedian passed away early Saturday morning in Chicago of complications due to pneumonia. For this and other news please go to or

1500 Dead

Amongst celebrations of the 2008 Olympics there are two countries which are having their share of difficulties. Yesterday the country of Georgia was brought under attack by Russia. 1500 people are now dead because of what is being called a "humanitarian catastrophe" by the Preside of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The fighting has certainly threatened a wide war between Russia and Georgia and could cause a strain between Moscow and Washington D.C. According to reports Russia says that it needs to protect its peacekeepers and civilians in the region. A potential cease fire is in negotiations at the United Nations as they call yet another emergency meeting of the Security Council. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, August 08, 2008

Olympic Opening

It's official, the 2008 summer Olympic Games have opened! Photographers were on hand to capture the first glimpses of Beijing's lavish opening ceremony. Fireworks, waving flags from all over the world and beautiful dances and entertainment followed. So, sports fans of the world, unite and let the games begin! For this and other news please go to,, or

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Olympic Surprises

As Beijing gears up to host the 2008 Olympics there a number of American athletes who will not be participating or attending the games. Today one such athlete came forward and removed himself from the competition. Morgan Hamm, twin brother of reigning Olympic champion Paul Hamm, found his unending ankle pain to be to much. Paul Hamm broke his wrest back in October of last year and the pain continued causing him to drop out of the Olympics on July 28. Morgan suffers from ankle spurs that made training with his team this past week difficult. Upon making the decision to drop our of the competition Morgan stated, “This has been an extremely hard decision for me to make. I’ve given everything I can to be ready to compete at this Olympic Games. It’s best for me to step down and have another athlete fill my position. This is something for me that’s very tough because it’s end of my career, and it’s not the way I had planned it.” For this and other news please go to, or