Sunday, August 17, 2008

Amazing Stories

Here at the Globe we strive to keep up with the latest and sometimes most outrageously exciting news stories. These next two stories are just amazing enough to make us smile and ah at this interesting world we live on. An Egyptian woman this week gave birth to seven, yes seven, children at the age of twenty-seven. The new mother was blessed with four boys and three girls in all who are said to be doing well. According to reports the newborns will be "placed in incubators in four different hospitals that have special premature baby units." Our next story is just as amazing. This years Olympic games have seen records set and broken. From the fastest man alive to the record setting Michael Phelps with his eight gold metal wins. But last night the Olympics watched as mother and forty-one-year-old Dara Torres took away the silver metal. Competeing against sixteen-year-old Australian Cate Campbell Torres was thrilled with her win when she saw her time of 24.07 seconds. For this and other amazing stories please go to, or

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