Saturday, January 08, 2011

Blogging 1-0-1

I know some people have a very lofty opinion of blogs and they like to talk about how much blogging is a lot like a journal and that all our thoughts should be kept to ourselves. However, I am a firm believer in freedom of speech, freedom or press etc... So that being said I would like to ask those who believe that our thoughts should be kept to ourselves what type of world we would live in if Bill Gates had decided to keep Windows to himself and not share it with the world? We'd be scribbling our thoughts out on paper that's where! But even then there would be no guarantee that those thoughts would stay private. So yes, blogging for me is a lot like a journal except my thoughts happen to be focused towards Global events, both breaking and past and this is like my own permanent scrap book if you may. I regret that I have not been blogging over the last several months but am grateful to be back and wish everyone a very Happy and prosperous New Year.

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