Monday, January 10, 2011

Massacre's Massive Spin

Over the weekend the United States has been mourning the deaths and injuries of those involved in the Tuscan, Arizona shooting that occurred Saturday morning at a Safeway grocery store. Senator Gabrielle Giffords was among the injured and is said to be doing well and responding to simple commands according to her doctors. However, the shooting left several others fatally injured including a 9-year-old little girl.

22-year-old Jared Loughner (pictured at left) is currently in police custody but is no longer cooperating with authorities. Instead one of Jared's former community college classmate spoke out this morning on NBC's the TODAY show about his behavior and how she feared the worst. So much so that she made her concerns known to her professor and he to the school administration.

But what is considered to the Arizona Massacre has suddenly taken a turn with liberals pointing fingers and blaming conservatives for the shooting.

According to Fox "many on the American Left said the horror could be traced to the malign influence of American conservatives; members of the Tea Party; right-wing pundits Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck; former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin; and Fox News. That was the narrative of culpability spun in the immediate aftermath of the shootings by some leading liberal commentators and Democratic politicians -- despite warnings from religious leaders, lawyers, academics, ethicists, reporters and historians that such a rush to judgment only further deepens the partisan divide in America, and further poisons its discourse." (, 2011, p. 1).

Regardless of the finger pointing and current political climate, the truth is that no one can really be blamed for the shooting and the loss of so many lives over this past weekend except for the shooter himself, Jared Loughner. For this and other news please go to or

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