Wednesday, January 24, 2007

First Time for Everything

There is a first time for everything as the President of the United States George Bush pointed out last night. This was the first time that a President had the pleasure of saying, "Madam Speaker." With all the focus on the Iraq war and economic dependency on oil most Americans have forgotten that a woman now controls the Senate. To all of us this should be a big stepping stone, especially for women out there. Among topics of discussion last night the President mentioned alternative fuels and building onto the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Act which was passed in 2001. The President urged the government to work through their hard times and differences about subjects like immigration reform. And just as their are nay sayers about the war in Iraq there was a point when the President mentioned the good that has came out of it. Several terrorists attacks have been uncovered, lives have been saved, and people have recognized this as a major threat to our security and the security of our allies. For more on the President's State of the Union please go to or

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