Saturday, January 20, 2007

Win, Lose, or Draw

Win, lose, or draw, it seems that every political candidate that ran for the presidential nomination in 2004 is back with a vengeance and none more so than former first lady, now Senator of New York, Hillary Clinton. "I'm in it to win!" Said the Senator and so are her chief competitors such as McCain and former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, her former opponent in the bid for the Senate seat a few years back. I don't know about anyone else out there but personally, and perhaps objectively too, we need new leadership, not old. The Clinton administration came and went, the Bush administration has been here twice, how about having a generation that can look back and say they weren't apart of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton hype? But of course as all good political analysts had foreseen way before this report was released we were bound to have another round of Clinton bidding for the White House. For this and other news stories please go to or

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