Friday, January 12, 2007

Great Leap...Backward?

Senator Barbara Boxer fired a cheap shot at one of politics most influential women on Thursday. Condoleezza Rice was asked by Boxer, at the time a rather confusing question, about who bore the highest cost in the war? Of course Boxer pointed out that her children were too old and her grandchild was too young, but then pointed out that the families of the soldiers serving now paid the greatest cost. Although there was truth in what Boxer said about military families having to go through the most because of the war she hinted that because Rice had no children of her own that she couldn't possibly know how the families of those soldiers felt. Rice stated to Fox News that she thought "single women had came further than that." Tony Snow stated in a press conference that the remarks made by Boxer were, "a great leap backward for feminism." For this and other stories please go to or

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