Friday, March 30, 2007


Believe it or not Michael Jackson is being sued yet again by another lawyer. His own lawyer Mr. Brent Ayscough. Eventually Mr. Jackson was forced to give up his rights to the Beatles catalog. According to, "In May 2008, he will be forced to sell all of his remaining stake in the company to Song per a later agreement with Fortress." For this and other entertainment news please go to or
(Image at left provided by

Thursday, March 29, 2007

This Day in History

On this day in 1973 the United States withdrew its troops from Vietnam. The signing of the 1973 peace agreement between the U.S., North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the Vietcong in Paris ended the United States military occupation. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hostage Situation

In the Philippines Wednesday a man took an entire school bus full of day care children and their teachers hostage. After a ten hour stand off the children were finally released and emerged from the bus unharmed. Jun Ducat a 56-year-old civil engineer was protesting corruption and demanded better lives for impoverished children. According to, "Duact founded the 145-student Musmos Day Care Center about four years ago in Manila's Tondo slum district. He reportedly chartered the tourist bush for a field trip marking the end of the school year." For this and other news please go to or (Picture at left provided by

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Father and Children Found Dead in Maryland

Twenty-eight-year-old Paul Rodriguez was discovered by police swinging from a rope on a second story banister. Upon further investigation of the home his four children, three girls and one boy, were found in a bed with a white sheet pulled over top of them. According to, "Police said they were looking Monday night for the mother of the children, Daysi M. Benitez, 25, who neighbors said also lived at the home. Chase said Benitez had not shown up for work at a local restaurant for a week and a half." For this and other news please go to or (Picture at left: Police removing the bodies from the home. Provided by

Monday, March 26, 2007

Here she is.....

Over the weekend the former Miss America Terra Conner passed on her crown to Miss Oklahoma. Lauren Nelson is 20 years old and a student of Oklahoma State University. Nelson is a rising Broadway star and was very excited about her win. According to Nelson said, "I watched Miss America as a little girl since I was 2 years old, and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would one of those girls on that stage, and never did I think that I would be Miss America." Well Miss America 2007 believe it. For all those girls out there with similar dreams this is proof that they really can come true. Congratulations Miss Lauren Nelson. For this and other news please go to or (Picture at right provided by

Friday, March 23, 2007

British Counter Terrorists Arrest Bombers

On Thursday British counter terrorist team arrested a suspect in the deadly transit system in 2005. According to, "London's Metropolitan Police said two men, ages 23 and 30, were arrested at Manchester Airport in northwest England as they prepared to board a flight to Pakistan. The third man, 26, was detained at a house in Leeds, a city in northern England where police were searching five houses." For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, March 22, 2007


In case you have been watching the news lately there is a brand new commerical circulating on the popular website known as YOUTUBE. The commerical was a recreation of the 1984 simulation add which featured Big Brother and an Olympic looking runner with a sledge hammer that comes running in and knocks the screen out which is transmitting the image. It was originally suppose to be an advertisement for Apple Computers but instead at the end of the YouTube version we get the quote, "The democratic primary is coming and you'll see why 2008 won't be like 1984." In this case Big Brother was Hillary Clinton and the Apple logo at the end was in the shape of an 'O' symbolizing rival candidate Sen. Barack Obama. The commercial has been making waves for over a week now and the hunt to locate who is behind it gave everyone an answer yesterday. According to, "Philip de Vellis, a strategist with Blue State Digital, acknowledged that he was the creator of the video, which portrayed Clinton as a Big Brother figure and urged support for Obama's presidential campaign." With his creation De Vellis has sparked a controversial question, will this affect the way we vote now that we can control what we want to see via the Internet? The Obama campaign stated that they had no idea that their vendor Blue State Digital had anything to do with the add. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mission Complete

Yesterday officials at Doughton Park in North Carolina who had been searching for nearly four days to find a lost boy scout, Michael Auberry, announced that they had found him alive and well. Twelve year old Michael wondered away from his scout troop in Doughton Park around noon on Saturday. According to news reports Michael was "homesick so he started walking and at one point when he was walking he thought maybe he'd walk as far as the road and hitchhike home." This is according to his father Kent Auberry. One of the search dogs found Michael walking along a stream. Despite being dehydrated Michael is resting and his friends and family are very happy to have him back safe and sound. For this and other news please go to or (Picture at left: provided by Kent Auberry).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rescue Mission

Yesterday the search for 12-year-old Michael Auberry was upgraded to an Amber Alert. The search continues in Doughton Park, North Carolina. The rugged terrain, chilling temperatures, and now the threat of rain is complicating this rescue mission. According to reports, "Other than a mess kit, food wrappers and drawings in the dirt, searchers had no clues to the little boy's location, according to National Park Service spokeswoman Tina White. The FBI joined in the search Monday, issuing a missing person alert "just in case" Auberry had wandered out of the search area, she said." There are over 70 ground searchers and a helicopter over the Blue Ridge Parkway with heat sensing technology. The family asks for prayers as they go through this difficult time. Again, we are all hoping for the safe return of Michael Auberry to his family and friends as soon as possible. For this and other news please go to or (Picture at left: Rescuers in Doughton Park, NC)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Scout in the Woods

Doughton Park, North Carolina: 12-year-old Michael Auberry, a Boy Scout went missing from his group on the Blue Ridge Parkway of North Carolina. Auberry is from Greensboro. A rescue team has been put together and launched in search of the missing scout but with bitter cold weather the last couple of nights they are desperately searching and hoping to find him alive. reported that, "The most probable thing is that he walked away, went out in the woods and went to investigate," said David Bauer, a ranger with the parkway. About 10 scouts and their three adult leaders of Troop 230 noticed Auberry was missing after eating lunch together on Saturday." It is our hope here at History in the Making that this young man is returned safely to his friends and family as soon as possible. For this and other news stories please go to or (Picture at left from Micheal Auberry).

Friday, March 16, 2007

My Lai

On this day in 1968 the My Lai massace took place in Vietnam. During this operation of the war American soldiers killed anywhere between 200 to 500 Vietnamese people of My Lai. According to, "the soldiers had been advised before the attack by army command that all who were found in My Lai could be considered VC or active VC (Vietcong) sympathizers, and told to destroy the village." The attack on the village ended with the landing of a helicopter between the villagers and the soldiers. For this and other historical events of the day please go to

Thursday, March 15, 2007

NYC Shootout Kills 4

According to reports, "An armed gunman shot and killed a pizza parlor employee and two unarmed volunteer police officers Wednesday night at around 9pm." Police arrived on the scene killing the gunman. The shootout occurred near New York University. For this and other news stories please go to or

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Albert Einstein was born this day in 1879. Born in Germany the European country was Einstein's home until the rise of Hitler when he wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking to be allowed to come to America. Once here Einstein began his methods of creating the A-bomb. However, according to, "he played no role in the subsequent Manhattan Project and later deplored the use of atomic bombs." Einstein studied in Princeton, New Jersey spending the rest of his life in the United States. Albert Einstein died in Princeton in 1955. For this and other historical facts about today please go to

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Illegal Nazi

At first I did not believe this story either but apparently someone thinks it is a good idea to consider revoking Adolph Hitler's citizenship in Germany. Hitler was born Austrian until he moved to Germany in 1932. The Nazi leader was granted citizenship in February that year and became Chancellor a few months later. But what is the point of revoking someones citizenship who is dead and has already caused an entire generation to suffer? According to Isodole Saalmann a deputy legislature in lower Saxony believes, "If the state of Lower Saxony as the legal successor of the then free state of Braunschweig distances itself from it, it could be helpful," Saalmann told the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung. "We want to clear this up once and for all." So for this and other off the wall stories please go to,, or

Monday, March 12, 2007

Going Up?

Over the past week gas prices have reached their all-time high. Fox News reported that these prices were due to the low amount of gasoline being pumped by refineries and importation into the United States. Around the nation gas prices have spiked nearly twenty cents per gallon and California is one state that has seen this take place. According to the, "Nationwide, the highest average price for regular gas was $3.10 per gallon in San Francisco. The lowest, at $2.22 per gallon, was in Anchorage, Alaska." (Picture at left of California gas prices within the past year). For this and other news please go to or

Friday, March 02, 2007

Spring is in the Air

Since Spring is in the air there will be no postings made for the week of March 5th. HistoryintheMaking would like to thank everyone who reads this blog and for taking time out of their busy schedules to leave comments. Hope everyone enjoys some warm weather and sunny beaches. Have a great rest of the week.


Violent storms have been plaguing the southern states. According to, "A violent storm system that ripped apart an Alabama high school as students sought shelter inside later tore through Georgia, hitting a hospital and raising the death toll to at least 19 across the Midwest and Southeast." Eight of those dead were teenagers trapped in Enterprise High School in Alabama. Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. For this and other news stories please go to or (Picture provided by and AP).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Teacher Accused

The teaching profession is a noble one, after all we trust them with our children and their educational development. But here lately all teachers seem to be getting is bad publicity and it's hard to ignore that most of the offenses brought against educators are women. In Clinton, South Carolina yesterday according to, "A middle school teacher accused of having sex with at least five boys---some of them students at her school---was arrested, authorities said." Allenna Williams Ward is 23 and an investigation was brought upon her when some school officials discovered a note with inappropriate messages. The married teacher is accused of having had sex with fourteen and fifteen year old boys at different locations. For this and other stories please go to or (Picture provided by and AP).