Monday, March 19, 2007

Scout in the Woods

Doughton Park, North Carolina: 12-year-old Michael Auberry, a Boy Scout went missing from his group on the Blue Ridge Parkway of North Carolina. Auberry is from Greensboro. A rescue team has been put together and launched in search of the missing scout but with bitter cold weather the last couple of nights they are desperately searching and hoping to find him alive. reported that, "The most probable thing is that he walked away, went out in the woods and went to investigate," said David Bauer, a ranger with the parkway. About 10 scouts and their three adult leaders of Troop 230 noticed Auberry was missing after eating lunch together on Saturday." It is our hope here at History in the Making that this young man is returned safely to his friends and family as soon as possible. For this and other news stories please go to or (Picture at left from Micheal Auberry).

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