Thursday, March 22, 2007


In case you have been watching the news lately there is a brand new commerical circulating on the popular website known as YOUTUBE. The commerical was a recreation of the 1984 simulation add which featured Big Brother and an Olympic looking runner with a sledge hammer that comes running in and knocks the screen out which is transmitting the image. It was originally suppose to be an advertisement for Apple Computers but instead at the end of the YouTube version we get the quote, "The democratic primary is coming and you'll see why 2008 won't be like 1984." In this case Big Brother was Hillary Clinton and the Apple logo at the end was in the shape of an 'O' symbolizing rival candidate Sen. Barack Obama. The commercial has been making waves for over a week now and the hunt to locate who is behind it gave everyone an answer yesterday. According to, "Philip de Vellis, a strategist with Blue State Digital, acknowledged that he was the creator of the video, which portrayed Clinton as a Big Brother figure and urged support for Obama's presidential campaign." With his creation De Vellis has sparked a controversial question, will this affect the way we vote now that we can control what we want to see via the Internet? The Obama campaign stated that they had no idea that their vendor Blue State Digital had anything to do with the add. For this and other news please go to or

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