Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rescue Mission

Yesterday the search for 12-year-old Michael Auberry was upgraded to an Amber Alert. The search continues in Doughton Park, North Carolina. The rugged terrain, chilling temperatures, and now the threat of rain is complicating this rescue mission. According to foxnews.com reports, "Other than a mess kit, food wrappers and drawings in the dirt, searchers had no clues to the little boy's location, according to National Park Service spokeswoman Tina White. The FBI joined in the search Monday, issuing a missing person alert "just in case" Auberry had wandered out of the search area, she said." There are over 70 ground searchers and a helicopter over the Blue Ridge Parkway with heat sensing technology. The family asks for prayers as they go through this difficult time. Again, we are all hoping for the safe return of Michael Auberry to his family and friends as soon as possible. For this and other news please go to http://www.foxnews.com/ or http://www.cnn.com/. (Picture at left: foxnews.com Rescuers in Doughton Park, NC)

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