Monday, September 10, 2007

Memorial Cross Country Tour

As most Americans have noted by today, tomorrow will mark the sixth year anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. And as most Americans are aware there will be a memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives that day in New York City. In preparation the metal which will become apart of this memorial tribute is, at this moment, touring the country. It's first stop is South Carolina. According to reports the memorial has managed to raise $700 million in funding. $300 million was private donations and the other $400 million promised by the federal government. An "8-acre memorial, which will set two waterfall-filled pools just above the twin towers' footprints, surrounded by a glade of oak and sweetgum trees. Visitors will descend underground to a Sept. 11 museum and be able to view the waterfalls from below." This is according to For additional information on this and other news please go to,, or

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