Monday, July 14, 2008

Drill or Bust

All over the globe people are seeing higher and higher oil prices. Nations like the UK have already experiencing the crunch for years. Recently the United States has seen oil prices reach record highs, setting barrels at as much as $145 each. The cost of driving is no different with gas prices reaching heights of up to $5.00 a gallon. Finally, like most of the world the United States is cutting its losses and heading out on its own. President Bush has decided to lift the ban on off-shore drilling after several months of rising prices. In other words, it's time to drill or bust. Outside in the Rose Garden President Bush stated "The only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress. Now the ball is squarely in Congress' court." Bush is not the only person who feels the same way, Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain backs the sediment. For years Democrats in Congress have been unable to see off shore drilling as a response to reliving strain on the American people and their wallets, if only temporarily. Democratic Presidential candidate Barrack Obama has not yet made a statement commenting on these latest developments but is expected to disagree with the measure. For this and other news please go to or

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