Monday, July 21, 2008

Found Alive

Jeneesa Lewis, age 29 and mother of three was found alive today. Jeneesa, a soldier from Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas did not report for work Friday. When her fellow officers went to look for her at her apartment they discovered it was locked and no one appeared to be inside. Lewis was kidnapped from her home by her husband Clinton W. Lewis who drove her from El Paso all the way to Nevada. Over the weekend Mr. Lewis saw the reports on the television for his missing wife and decided to turn himself in. Jeneesa suffered several injuries including two stab wounds that caused her to lose a lot of blood. Delores Pigeon, Jeneesa's grandmother stated ""I was just so excited last night to her voice. She has bumps and bruises all over. You don't always hear good stories, but thank God this is good." As for Mr. Lewis he is currently under a $75,000 bond and being held for aggravated kidnapping charge. Jenessa Lewis had planned on leaving her husband in the days leading up to her disappearance and for now it appears Mr. Lewis will be leaving her alone for quite a while. For this and other news please go to, or

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