Friday, October 31, 2008

A Lesson in Murder

Regardless of who you are or where you're from, 9 times out of 10 these days you will get caught if you murder someone all thanks to forensic science and class "A" detectives. But William Walsh it would appear needed a lesson in murder 1-0-1. When his wife Leah Walsh went missing over three days ago William cried into the cameras and told police, and anyone else who would listen, that he needed help. It was believed Leah had a flat tire and someone had taken her from the side of the road on Saturday night. Two days later Leah's body was found on the side of the road. But further investigation promped officials to look closer at the crime scence. Yesterday Mr. William Walsh was charged with choking his wife to death and then staging a crime scene to cover his tracks. According to Mayor Lawrence Mulvey of Nassu County, "We allege that William Walsh choked his wife to death, staged a scene to make it look like her car had gone off the highway ... staged text messages," Mulvey said. "Mr. Walsh should not enjoy one nanosecond of freedom for the rest of his life." For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Solely for Revenge

A terrifying story emerged out of Austria a couple months ago about Josef Fritzl. Fritzl, 74, reportedly locked his own daughter in the cellar of his house, raped her and fathered seven children with her over the course of twenty-four-years. Elizabeth, age 42 was freed from the abuse earlier this year. Now a new revelation is coming to light as Fritzl describes the abuse he endured by his own mother. According to reports Fritzl said, “I never had any love from her. She used to beat me, hit me until I was lying in a pool of blood on the floor. I never had a kiss. I was never cuddled.” For this reason he locked up his mother in the family's attic until she died in 1980. Fox News reports that "Fritzl told Dr. Adelheid Kastner: “I bricked in the window so that she never again saw the light of day.” Fritzl claims that the only reason he had for doing this was solely for revenge. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

6.4 Earthquake Hits Pakistan

Residence living in Quetta, Pakistan woke up to a 6.4 earthquake that injured 15 and left 15,000 homeless. There was reportedly sevearl other injuries. According to, " The worst-hit area appeared to be Ziarat, where hundreds of mostly mud and timber houses had been destroyed in six villages, officials said, including some homes buried in a landslide triggered by the quake." In October of 2005 Pakistan was hit with a similar earthquake that killed 80,000 people. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marxist in the Making?

Senator Joe Biden dodged questions earlier from Flordia newscaster Barbara West about his campiagn cohort Obama and his "spread-the-wealth" remarks. Biden asked West if she were joking and then simply cut off the interview. However, it has become a concernt that Obama has made statements like this before. An example comes from his book which describes that he favored professors who shared Marxists views when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles. The book titled "Dreams from my Father" quotes Obama as saying, "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, the more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reported Shots Fired

Western Kentucky University officials have not yet been able to confirm if shots were actually fired but the report of men brandishing guns through one part of the campus in a residence hall has been taken seriously. The buildings on campus have been evacuated and police are searching the area. The University's south end is home to Bowling Green Community College. So far no injuries have been reported and the situation is still being assest. For this and other news please go to,, or

39-Year-Old Man Drowns in Spain

A newly wed British couple attended their honeymoon in Spain only to have their dreams shattered. Danielle Hawkes reportedly watched helplessly as her husband Russell Hawkes drowned to death in the undercurrent at the Spanish resort Fuengirola. Danielle informed reporters that she was furious at the situation. Not only had the Red Cross hut not been opened on the beach but there was not even a warning to would-be swimmers about the current state of the ocean. The couple was married back in August, according to reports, but had decided to wait and take their honeymoon just this week. Russell Hawkes was 39-years-old. For this and other news please go to, or

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gas Prices Fall

While the stock market struggled to hang on Friday the price of crude oil fell significantly. Closing in on nearly $3 for a gallon of gasoline oil saw a drop of 35 cents. According to the Lunberg survey that was conducted over the weekend we can expect for gas to continue to fall if there is no spike in prices soon and the reasons are, "Gasoline demand will continue to shrink in our weak economic condition, and retailers, who have been receiving deep buying price cuts, will be anxious to pass through any further price cuts they receive quickly. They need the sales." For this and other news please go to or

Going Up!

So last week was a wild ride for Wall Street investors, as well as most of the global economy. But after hitting a total of 8,000 on the Dow by Friday's closing bell it seems that there was no where else to go but up after all. Markets opened Monday morning to a strong rebound. Around the globe Hong Kong's index soared to a whopping 1,434 points up from its 7% fall on Friday. South Korea and China added 3.7% to their markets while the Dow Jones rose 331 points upon opening bell. For this and other stock market updates please go to or

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baby Mama

The press is all "shook up" about the birth of Lisa Marie Presley's twin girls. The 40 year old songstress has not yet released the names of the two bundles of joy but it is reported that "one baby weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces and the other came in at 5 pounds and 2 ounces." We look forward to seeing the newest editions to the Presley family. Congrats Lisa! For this and other news please go to, or

Friday, October 10, 2008

No Where to go but Up

The opening bell on Wall Street today resounded an epic 112-year drop in the Dow. Today, October 10, 2008 the Dow fell approximately 285 points hitting a low of 8, 280.19. Despite the fact of the rumors of another Federal bail-out, the market continues to struggle. In the mean time crude oil prices continue to sink reaching a total of $80 a barrel. Leaders in the gas industry such as ExxonMobill and Chevron lead the way this morning with their sale-offs leading them down the Dow. But Wall Street isn't the only market taking a hit. Over night world markets scrambled for relief as most of them began to tumble. It was reported that "Japan's Nikkei 225 index, which plummeted 881.06 points, or 9.6%, to 8276.43 in its worst one-day percentage loss since the crash of 1987." Even the Dow Euro was down by 267.4 points. With all this news of global and economic downs there can be no where else to go from here except up. For this and other news please go to, or

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bears and Bulls

Despite the $700 Billion buy out of AIG and the governments involvement with Fannie Maye and Freddie Mac, the NYSE has been having some difficulty keeping up. Oil prices dropped the other day to a surprising low of $90 some dollars a barrel. The first considerable dive in months. Shortly after the first $700 Billion bill was turned down in Congress the Dow took a shattering hit sinking some 700 points to hit 10,000. Today the Dow sunk again this time hitting a low that the country has not seen since 2003 for a total of 9,000 dropping 270 points. General Motors took the biggest hit of the day losing 20% of its stock. Rumors of a potential Tressury buy out also loom over Wall Street as the bears and the bulls continue to fight it out. For this and other news please go to,, or