Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bears and Bulls

Despite the $700 Billion buy out of AIG and the governments involvement with Fannie Maye and Freddie Mac, the NYSE has been having some difficulty keeping up. Oil prices dropped the other day to a surprising low of $90 some dollars a barrel. The first considerable dive in months. Shortly after the first $700 Billion bill was turned down in Congress the Dow took a shattering hit sinking some 700 points to hit 10,000. Today the Dow sunk again this time hitting a low that the country has not seen since 2003 for a total of 9,000 dropping 270 points. General Motors took the biggest hit of the day losing 20% of its stock. Rumors of a potential Tressury buy out also loom over Wall Street as the bears and the bulls continue to fight it out. For this and other news please go to,, or

1 comment:

Rocky said...

Listen to your experts today Saturday the 1oth Nov 2012. Re Government doesn't create jobs. If the gov't decides to rebuild infractures etc. When they order materials and equipment, sub contract out work all this funnels down to someone having to higher people, manufactures right down the line. ???????