Tuesday, July 29, 2008

News Week Former Editor Named Head of Washington News Bureau

After only a month NBC has named Mark Whitaker, age 50, of News Week magazine as Tim Russert's successor at the Washington News Bureau. Whitaker worked for News Week as an intern while attending Harvard University back in the 1970s before he was named editor in 1998. It was a post he held until 2006. Russert made famous the Sunday morning show Meet the Press. No permanent decisions on who will host the show have been made at this time. However, for now, semi-retired NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw has agreed to stay on until the end of the election in November. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 2

In Ahmadabad, India the death toll has risen to 45. These deaths are being caused by serial blasts that have ripped through the country with up to 110 people injured in the sixteen total blasts that went off throughout various neighborhoods. It was said by one of the officials that there are those who wish to see a divide in the country but the official also stated that the blasts were "deplorable". However, this part of India is no stranger to such violence. In 2002 the city also saw riots between the country's Hindu majority and the Muslim minority. Those riots killed 1,000 people. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Iraq Banned from Olympics

This morning it was learned that Iraq will not be able to participate in the Olympic games in Beijing this summer. The deceision was a heavy blow to several of Iraq's atheltes who had hoped to be able to travel to China to represent their country. The deceision was made because of the government’s interference with sports by disbanding the country's National Olympic Committee. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Found Alive

Jeneesa Lewis, age 29 and mother of three was found alive today. Jeneesa, a soldier from Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas did not report for work Friday. When her fellow officers went to look for her at her apartment they discovered it was locked and no one appeared to be inside. Lewis was kidnapped from her home by her husband Clinton W. Lewis who drove her from El Paso all the way to Nevada. Over the weekend Mr. Lewis saw the reports on the television for his missing wife and decided to turn himself in. Jeneesa suffered several injuries including two stab wounds that caused her to lose a lot of blood. Delores Pigeon, Jeneesa's grandmother stated ""I was just so excited last night to her voice. She has bumps and bruises all over. You don't always hear good stories, but thank God this is good." As for Mr. Lewis he is currently under a $75,000 bond and being held for aggravated kidnapping charge. Jenessa Lewis had planned on leaving her husband in the days leading up to her disappearance and for now it appears Mr. Lewis will be leaving her alone for quite a while. For this and other news please go to www.yahoo.com, www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Block Buster Hit!

The most anticipated movie event of the summer has become a large block buster hit. Numbers show that Batman: The Dark Knight has grossed a whopping $155.34 million dollars over a three day weekend. By the end of the week Dan Fellman, head of distribution at Warner Bros. pictures predicts that the movie will shoot well past the $200 million mark by the end of the week. For this and other news please go to www.yahoo.com, www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why So Serious?

Some serious cash is flowing through the fingers of Warner executives this weekend as the much anticipated sequel to Batman Begins opens to rave reviews and large crowds. Theaters showing the movie early Friday morning sold out in no time for viewings as early as 3 AM. Heath Ledgers final role as the joker is dark without a doubt but Ledger adds a twisted sense of humor to the infamous character that Batman fans of all ages can appreciate. Christopher Nolan, director of the first and second Batman movies, is possibly looking at earning the title of biggest movie of the summer if not the year. Batman Begins which debuted in 2005 grossed a world wide total of $371.8 million giving new life not just to an old DC comic favorite but to Warner Brothers as well. So, why so serious? Go out and see The Dark Knight for yourself. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Drill or Bust

All over the globe people are seeing higher and higher oil prices. Nations like the UK have already experiencing the crunch for years. Recently the United States has seen oil prices reach record highs, setting barrels at as much as $145 each. The cost of driving is no different with gas prices reaching heights of up to $5.00 a gallon. Finally, like most of the world the United States is cutting its losses and heading out on its own. President Bush has decided to lift the ban on off-shore drilling after several months of rising prices. In other words, it's time to drill or bust. Outside in the Rose Garden President Bush stated "The only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress. Now the ball is squarely in Congress' court." Bush is not the only person who feels the same way, Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain backs the sediment. For years Democrats in Congress have been unable to see off shore drilling as a response to reliving strain on the American people and their wallets, if only temporarily. Democratic Presidential candidate Barrack Obama has not yet made a statement commenting on these latest developments but is expected to disagree with the measure. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tony Snow Dies at 53

Former White House Press Secretary and Fox News reporter Tony Snow passes away at 53 of colon cancer. Beyond his reporting career Snow was also a well known musician, editor and radio talk show host. President Bush and his wife Laura have sent their deepest regards to the Snow family. Tony leaves behind three children and a wife of whom he had been married to for over twenty years. Snow joined Fox News in 1996 and hosted his radio programs including "The Tony Snow Show" up until 2006 which then led to his job of White House Press Secretary in May of that year. Continuously friends and co-workers of Tony Snow refer to him as "a man of integrity, a devoted public servant and a man of character." For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Caught Red Handed

Perhaps Rev. Jesse Jackson needed to remind himself that he was on the air when he made comments Sunday to a news reporter from FOX NEWS. Caught red handed Mr. Jackson decided to show his true colors and his honest opinion about Senator Barrack Obama and his recent run for the White House. Quote: "“I want to cut his nuts off.” This comment made after Rev. Jackson also stated that Obama was "talking down to black people." Despite his comments the Reverend arranged a news conference yesterday to dispel any further thought that he was not one-hundred percent behind Senator Obama and his campaign for the Presidency. However, the comments certainly can keep some wondering about the future of this election. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Lucky Number 7

Apparently Monday July 7th was a lucky day for a few couples in Hollywood. News broke early Monday that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban had welcomed Sunday into their lives and today we learn of Matthew McConaughey's child with Camila Alves. It's a boy! McConaughey's son weights seven ounces and four pounds and was born at 6:22 p.m. yesterday evening. The couple has not yet named the child. Congratulations to the new parents. For this and other news please go to www.yahoo.com, www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Kidman-Urban's Bundle of Joy

Actress Nicole Kidman, 41 and husband country singer Keith Urban, 40 welcomed the newest addition to their family earlier this morning. Kidman gave birth to a six pound seven ounce baby girl who the couple named Sunday Rose Kidman Urban. Both mother and child are said to be doing well. Keith was reportedly by his wife's side. Kidman has two adopted children, Conner who is thirteen and Isabella who is fifteen. Best of wishes go out to the couple. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Senator Jesse Helms Passes

North Carolina former Senator Jesse Helms passed away yesterday, July 4th of natural causes at his home. Helms was 86 years old and remembered by most of his colleagues in the Senate as "Senator-No". Helms accredited the nickname to the fact that he was never afraid to say no to something he did not agree with or believe was right. Helms stepped down in 2002 allowing Elizabeth Dole to win his seat serving the Tar Heel state. Even though Helms retired he remained a free agent and worked in Raleigh at his office where he aided the people of North Carolina until the past couple of years where his declining health had placed him in a convalescent home. Helms was born in Monroe, NC in 1921. For this and other news please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.