Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 steps forward: 1 step back

Military Judge James Pohl has caused Obama's administration a set back. From the House Republicans voting against the $819 billion stimulus package to today's decision to carry on with the trail of the bomber of the USS Cole, Obama is seeing his fair share of resistance. According to reports, "Pohl's decision is striking because two other military judges in a Sept. 11 conspiracy case and in the case of Canadian Al Qaeda operative Omar Khadr agreed to suspend proceedings in accordance with Obama's recent executive order, which put a hold on all military tribunals." Abu al-Nashiri is being charged with the 2000 attack in Yemen. His arraignment is set for February 9th of this year. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First 100 Days: Deadly Winter

Barack Obama's first 100 days are proving to be a true challenge. While the President has managed to freeze his top advisers pay, enacted a plan to close Gitmo in a year, and ushered in a new $819 billion stimulus package to boost the economy he is about to find out that the GOP is apart of the House and Senate just as much as the Democrats. Obama met with House and Senate leaders this morning but Representatives proclaimed that while it was nice to have met and spoken with the new President over three times already they had not yet heard nor spoken to the Speaker of the House Nancy Polsei who told reporters "If there is somebody who is disgruntled, so be it. But we will have an overwhelming vote." Republicans however, are proving to be a true test to the Democratic Party's agenda, claiming that a tax relief would boost jobs and help struggling Americans.

While the GOP is giving the Democratic party the cold shoulder, winter has set in over Philadelphia. The latest round of frigid weather has taken twenty-three lives and has caused millions of power outages. According to reports "since the storm began building on Monday, the weather had been blamed for at least six deaths in Texas, four in Arkansas, three in Virginia, five in Missouri, two each in Ohio and Oklahoma, and one in Indiana. Winter storm warnings were in effect from Texas to New England on Wednesday." For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yea or Nay?

Yea or Nay? That was what Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, voted "nay" on the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the new Secretary of State. This dampened the Inauguration festivities a bit for Senator Clinton as she would later learn of six swearing ins of the Obama cabinet. Senator Clinton was informed that she would have to wait to be confirmed. A Cornyn's spokesman said that the Senator was not interesting in blocking the nomination process but was wanting a more in-depth debate over the donation issue. According to reports the issue at hand, "is whether Clinton's charity would create a conflict of interest with foreign governments." Of course the investigation is more focused on Senator Clinton's husband former President Bill Clinton and his current fund raising methods. It is believed that the former President may hamper his wife's chances of becoming Secretary of State. For this and further news please go to, or


As his first line of business this morning, after a day of celebration yesterday for the nation's first African-American President, Barack Obama decided it was time to tighten Washington's belt. As a nod to the currently floundering economy President Obama announced that several of his high paid employees will be among those to have their pay frozen. The freeze will effect federal employees such as the National Security adviser, the Press Secretary, and the White House Chief of Staff. Other changes being made is the crack down on lobbist. In a release from the AP President Obama stated, "The new rules on lobbying alone, no matter how tough, are not enough to fix a broken system in Washington. That's why I'm also setting rules that govern not just lobbyists but all those who have been selected to serve in my administration."It is rumored that Obama's staff will also have to set through the very ethics briefing he did just days before. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Steelers Stole the Super Bowl

A chance of a life time came within the Baltimore Raven's grasp this past Sunday. However, The Pittsburgh Steelers saw fit to steel away their dream of kicking off in Tampa, Florida scoring 23 over the Raven's 14. And while the Steelers were busy winning their card into the Super Bowl so too were the Arizona Cardinals who scored 32 over the Eagles 25. The Philadelphia Eagles had the support of hundreds of fans ready to see their team take on either the Steelers or Raven's in Super Bowl 43 but it just was not to be. For the Cardinals this will be their first Super Bowl ever, which is ever more the reason to watch this years game. Super Bowl is February 1st. For more information go to

Number 44

It is a historic day for America and for the Obama family. This morning the nation is preparing for the swearing in of our 44th President of the United States on Pennsylvania Avenue. The festivities kicked off with Obama's train ride which mirrored the one Lincoln took and several concerts that were broadcast on HBO over the weekend. Fifty years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr., who would have turned eighty-years-old yesterday had he lived, we are watching his dream become reality. At 10am this morning the Presidential Inauguration Day will officially begin and so too will a generation, hopeful of change. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Perfect Get Away

Thirty-eight-year-old businessman and pilot Marcus Schrenker decided he would preform the perfect get away. In sheer movie fashion Schrenker almost pulled off his dare-devilish stunt. Three days ago Schrenker decided to try and fake his own death by crashing his plane. He left from Indiana and was heading towards Alabama when he made the distress call. Fighter planes rushed to intercept the troubled pilot but when the plane crashed they discovered it had been empty all along. Much to everyone's suprise authorities later learned that Schrenker stashed a motorbike somewhere in Alabama and ejected himself from the cockpit of his plane. On the run for three days Schrenker was caught in North Florida at a campground where he was reportedly trying to take his own life. The businessman was running from economic troubles as well as his divorce. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, January 12, 2009

Royal Blunder

Great Britain's Prince Harry apologized over the weekend, but not for being overly brash or flaunting an inappropriate costume. Top army officials will interview the prince for remarks made about people of Pakistani decent. The terms were referred to as 'racist' and 'derogatory'. According to Fox News "Britain's opposition Conservative Party leader, David Cameron, said Harry's comments undermined work to root out racism from the country's armed forces." For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Year News

Happy 2009! It looks like the year is off to a busy start. While former Governor of Illinois Blago was quickly trying to sale off Barrack Obama's vacant Senate seat, Palestine is determined to press the Israelites into war. Oh and did we mention that gas prices are going back up and all the former Presidents got together for a sit down dinner at the White House? Days before Christmas Florida medical examiner Dr. G, as she is known on her Discovery Health show, autopsied the body investigators found in a wooded area not hardly a mile from the Anthony home. The remains were indeed Caylees. The New Year is also filled with its sorrowful beginnings and endings. For John Travolta and his family it was the loss of their 16-year-old son Jett. While vacationing in the Bahamas Jett Travolta had a seizure and collapsed on his bathroom floor. He was later found by his father and rushed to a nearby hospital. Attempts to resuscitate Jett Travolta failed and the family is quietly mourning as they brought the ashes of their son back to the states earlier this week. For this and other news please go to or