Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Year News

Happy 2009! It looks like the year is off to a busy start. While former Governor of Illinois Blago was quickly trying to sale off Barrack Obama's vacant Senate seat, Palestine is determined to press the Israelites into war. Oh and did we mention that gas prices are going back up and all the former Presidents got together for a sit down dinner at the White House? Days before Christmas Florida medical examiner Dr. G, as she is known on her Discovery Health show, autopsied the body investigators found in a wooded area not hardly a mile from the Anthony home. The remains were indeed Caylees. The New Year is also filled with its sorrowful beginnings and endings. For John Travolta and his family it was the loss of their 16-year-old son Jett. While vacationing in the Bahamas Jett Travolta had a seizure and collapsed on his bathroom floor. He was later found by his father and rushed to a nearby hospital. Attempts to resuscitate Jett Travolta failed and the family is quietly mourning as they brought the ashes of their son back to the states earlier this week. For this and other news please go to or

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