Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First 100 Days: Deadly Winter

Barack Obama's first 100 days are proving to be a true challenge. While the President has managed to freeze his top advisers pay, enacted a plan to close Gitmo in a year, and ushered in a new $819 billion stimulus package to boost the economy he is about to find out that the GOP is apart of the House and Senate just as much as the Democrats. Obama met with House and Senate leaders this morning but Representatives proclaimed that while it was nice to have met and spoken with the new President over three times already they had not yet heard nor spoken to the Speaker of the House Nancy Polsei who told reporters "If there is somebody who is disgruntled, so be it. But we will have an overwhelming vote." Republicans however, are proving to be a true test to the Democratic Party's agenda, claiming that a tax relief would boost jobs and help struggling Americans.

While the GOP is giving the Democratic party the cold shoulder, winter has set in over Philadelphia. The latest round of frigid weather has taken twenty-three lives and has caused millions of power outages. According to reports "since the storm began building on Monday, the weather had been blamed for at least six deaths in Texas, four in Arkansas, three in Virginia, five in Missouri, two each in Ohio and Oklahoma, and one in Indiana. Winter storm warnings were in effect from Texas to New England on Wednesday." For this and other news please go to or

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